PRECEDENT VERSION 1.00 ====================== Copyright: John Bartels Box 5551, Walmer Port Elizabeth 6065 Republic of South Africa November 1995 WHAT IS PRECEDENT? ------------------ PRECEDENT ver 1.00 is a simple and effective program written by a lawyer to help busy lawyers. It is a database which allows lawyers to enter, view, search and print indexes to their precedents (copies of documents prepared by the lawyer and kept for future reference eg contracts, leases etc). The program helps lawyers find their precedents fast. The program is easy to use There are help screens and a manual is provided - see PRE.DOC. The manual explains step by step how to get started. The program is based on a straightforward manual system that worked very well for decades before the coming of computers ie the system has proved itself. PRECEDENT VERSION 1.00 is SHAREWARE. This means you are free to copy it and give it to others. However if you decide to use the program a once off registration fee of $30 (Thirty US Dollars) is payable. Registration details appear in the program and the manual.