CMOS.TXT Last updated 1996 January 27 by Roedy Green The most important fact you will want to know about this package is how to turn it off. If the CHKCMOS.BAT has been installed in AUTOEXEC.BAT, you must delete the files C:\CMOS\CMOS.SAV and C:\CMOS\BOOT.SAV before making any changes to CMOS or to the partitions. Otherwise, CHKCMOS will put CMOS back the way it was and BOOTREST will put back the partition table. This is deliberate to keep naive users from experimenting with CMOS. The second most important fact is you must use CMOSSAVE BEFORE you have trouble. If you have not done so, CMOSREST won't do you a lick if good once your CMOS is corrupted. PURPOSE ******* 1. Naive users sometimes fiddle with CMOS settings. We need a fast way to put the scores of subtle CMOS configuration settings back the way they were. 2. Power surges can corrupt CMOS. We need a way for a naive user to quickly restore all the CMOS settings. 3. If the battery fails, the contents will be lost. We need a way to restore a known working CMOS configuration. 4. You may want to alter some obscure CMOS setting and you don't have a program to set it. 5. CMOSRest can also be used to toggle between two CMOS configurations, for example with and without a removable hard drive installed. 6. CMOSChk can detect subtle corruption to CMOS, as might be caused by a rogue program or a virus, something that might slow your machine or make it unreliable. 7. CMOSSave can create a backup of your CMOS on floppy. This way you may safely experiment with CMOS settings. You can always get back to where you started by using CMOSRest to restore the original settings. Any time you fiddle with the computer innards, you might accidentally disconnect the battery, losing CMOS. CMOSSAVE lets you put it back the way it was. SYNTAX ****** There are three utilities in the CMOS suite: CMOSSAVE.COM A:Myfile.Sav IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GO TO Trouble - saves a copy of CMOS in a file on hard disk or floppy. CMOSREST.COM A:MyFile.Sav IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GO TO Trouble - restores CMOS from a file on hard disk or floppy. CMOSCHK.COM A:MyFile.Sav /Q IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GO TO FixIt - checks that CMOS has not been fiddled with since the last CMOSSAVE. Compares CMOS with a file on hard disk or floppy. - /Q suppresses unnecessary banner messages. HINTS ON USE ************ There are three ways you can use the suite manually, automatically, and with a rescue diskette. 1. Manually. Prepare a bootable floppy with the command: Format A: /S /V /U /F:1.44MB Install and on your hard disk into C:\CMOS You can create such a directory with: MD C:\CMOS This directory need not be on the path, but if it is not, you will have to type C:\CMOS\CMOSSAVE instead of just CMOSSAVE. Backup your CMOS to the bootable floppy with: A:\CMOS.SAV COPY C:\CMOS\CMOS*.com A: If ever your cmos becomes corrupted, correct it by booting from floppy and typing: A:\CMOS.SAV Then reboot. In this case you don't bother with at all. 2. With a rescue diskette. Prepare a bootable floppy with an autoexec.bat that invokes the following commands to correct most CMOS and hard disk problems: CMOSREST A:\CMOS.SAV BOOTREST A:\BOOT.SAV CHKDSK C:/F SYS C: COPY A:\COMMAND.COM C:\ COPY A:\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS ( shareware is separately available. It is part of the package we send when you register.) 3. Automatically. Insert the line: CALL C:\CMOS\CHKCMOS.BAT in your autoexec.bat. This bat file uses to compare the contents of CMOS with what it should be. If there is a mismatch, it will invoke to put it back. then to try again. Note this method will not be able to recover if the CMOS is badly damaged. You will have to revert to method 1 or 2. Note that CHKCMOS.BAT needs to be configured with a text editor before use. and are shareware available separately. They are included in the package we send when you register. You may also find them on or on BIX in IBM.UTILIES/LISTINGS. NOTE THE NAMES: CHKCMOS.BAT but!!! BELT AND SUSPENDERS ******************* Do a CMOSSAVE both to hard disk and to floppy. The hard disk copy can be used for quick restores built into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. CMOSCHK.COM C:\CMOS\CMOS.Sav IF ERRORLEVEL 1 CMOSREST.COM C:\CMOS\CMOS.Sav At that point you must reboot before the restored cmos settings take effect. See CHKCMOS.BAT for a realistic way to handle this. You will will have to tune that BAT file a little to suit your machine, either by replacing the %XXX% or inserting SET commands. Sometimes CMOS will be so badly damaged the hard disk parameters will be corrupt and your hard disk will stop working. In that case you will have to revert to using the floppy copy. Whenever you change your CMOS setting deliberately, you need to redo the CMOSSAV.COM. However USE A NEW FILENAME, so that you can easily revert to the old version if your new settings do not pan out. If you are just making a minor change, you can simply delete the existing *.SAV files, and CHKCMOS.BAT will recreate them. If you fail to do this, CHKCMOS.BAT will presume the changes were unintentional and will undo them. To someone unfamiliar with CMOSSAVE, having his deliberate CMOS changes undone can be very disconcerting. HOW IT WORKS ************ CMOSSAVE.COM simply copies the 128 byte contents of the CMOS bytes to a file. CMOSREST.COM copies them back. CMOSCHK compares them with the file contents. If they are not equal it sets ERRORLEVEL 1. CMOSREST does not touch bytes 0 to 09 and 32h because these are volatile -- they contain the date and time. Similarly CMOSCHK, does not panic if any of these volatile bytes differ. However, CMOSSAVE saves all 128 bytes, so that you can browse the generated file with a hex editor to learn more about how CMOS works. You could even patch the CMOS.SAV file and restore to get special effects. Because CMOSSave also saves the extended CMOS bytes, CMOSRest will restore the esoteric options like shadow RAM, wait states, processor clock speed, HMA enable etc. It works on ISA, EISA and PCI machines. These is no need to calculate checksums, since the checksum is saved and restored just like any other CMOS byte. We have included a sample file called CHKCMOS.BAT which can be inserted in your AUTOEXEC.BAT which uses all three utilities. Using it requires fairly good knowledge of BAT files to customize it for your needs. HOW CMOS IS USED **************** CMOS is battery backed RAM that stores configuration information when the power is off. It is on my top ten worst ideas list of all time. The problem is, CMOS is far too easily corrupted, by programs, power or naive users experimenting. See CMOS.OFS for a detailed list of what each byte in the CMOS is used for. This is usually of interests to technophiles only. TROUBLESHOOTING *************** Sometimes your CMOS will be so wrecked you cannot even get your machine limping enough to run CMOSREST from floppy. In that case you must clear CMOS. Do this on AMI BIOSes by holding down the INS key, powering off, powering on, then releasing the INS key. In the worst case, remove the battery and let the capacitance on the board drain overnight to clear it. On some CMOSes you can clear CMOS by selecting universal default settings from the normal CMOS setting menu. You can then get a bare bones CMOS configured -- that just has the floppies right. Nothing else much matters. From there you can run CMOSREST.COM. What is considered volatile and what is not, might vary for different motherboards boards. If you have trouble restoring, DO NOT DESPAIR. All is recorded. A variant of the CMOSREST program could get you back. All you need do in make a slight modification to the assembler source VOLATILE routine that decides which bytes to consider volatile. Even a very junior MASM programmer could make that modification for you if you have registered and have the assembler source. If you use SSTOR, I suspect it makes it look as though it had modified CMOS. If you boot without the SSTOR driver, CMOS will appear to have changed because SSTOR is not doing its standard trickery. The TURBO setting is part of CMOS. If you accidentally turn turbo mode off, CMOS will appear to be changed, and CMOSCHK will complain. To clear the problem, set turbo back on and allow the CMOSCHK to restore CMOS. This way CMOSCHK will remind you if you have accidentally turned off turbo mode. This feature can be turned off by making the byte where your turbo info is stored volatile. If you want this feature, just send the CMOSCHK listing that complains about CMOS being changed when you register. *************************************************************** *************************************************************** We repeat: CMOSREST won't do you a lick of good unless you run CMOSSAVE BEFORE you have trouble. Make sure you have copies of CMOS.SAV both on hard disk and on floppy. *************************************************************** *************************************************************** There is a companion program called BOOTSAVE that works in a similar way to protects your boot track from damage by rogue programs or viruses. Again, you must use it BEFORE you have trouble. When you register, I will send you a copy of BOOTSAVE, and REBOOT, which are useful adjuncts to CMOSSAVE. These should be available on the same site you found CMOSSAVE. CMOSREST does not take effect until you REBOOT!! VERIFICATION FIRE DRILL *********************** CMOSSave and CMOSTRest have internal checks to warn you if they are not functioning. However, you can assure yourself they are working properly by using CMOSSave, then changing some minor setting in CMOS (e.g. to add an extra unneeded wait state), then use CMOSChk to detect the "damage" then CMOSRest to restore the CMOS back the way it was. If all is working correctly, the minor change should be undone. FALSE ALARM CMOSCHK CORRUPTION MESSAGES *************************************** Some non-standard BIOSes have additional volatile portions that CMOSCHK does not know about. It will report false corruptions. There are three ways you can handle the problem: 1. Send us a screen print of what CMOSCHK is saying. We will send you a custom version with those false mismatches considered as volatile bytes. You must register if you want this service. 2. Modify the "VolatileList" line in CMOS.ASM yourself to include the extra offsets your BIOS is treating as volatile. Then reassemble. will give you a list of offsets where it thinks there are mismatches. It is up to you to determine which ones you think are false alarms. 3. Simply avoid using CMOSChk. Just use CMOSSAVE and CMOSREST. Most of the time damaged CMOS is fairly obvious. WHAT IF YOU HAVE ALREADY CRASHED? ********************************* CMOSSAVE is prophylaxis, not a cure. You have to use it BEFORE you have trouble. (Hmm. Is there is an echo in here?) However, what can you do if your CMOS is wrecked and you have no CMOS.SAV backup of it? You had best get an expert to help you set the CMOS back to defaults and guess the fine tuning for the parameters. The dealer who sold you the machine is the best person to help. He may be able to contact the disk manufacturer to find out how many heads and cylinders it has. He may be able to find hints in the motherboard manual. If your machine has an EXACT TWIN, you may still be in luck. You can make a backup of the CMOS on that machine, then restore it into the ruined one. Don't try this unless the machines are ABSOLUTELY identical. There is a good chance you will destroy your hard disk data if you transplant a CMOS from a different sized disk. You can manually set CMOS back if you hit the magic keys during hard boot, often DEL, F2, or Ctrl-Alt-Esc. Sometimes you need a diskette to set up CMOS. Check the manual that came with your motherboard, or check with the company that sold it to you. Usually there is a way to set CMOS settings to default. In a pinch you can do it by removing the battery for a day or two. Author ****** CMOSSAVE, CMOSREST and CMOSCHK are copyrighted but may be freely used for any purpose except military with the exception of U.N. Sanctioned Peacekeeping Missions. If you pass the files on, PLEASE PASS ON THIS DOCUMENTATION TOO. Please report bugs and problems to: Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #601 - 1330 Burrard Vancouver BC Canada V6Z 2B8 (604) 685-8412 Electronic mail users can contact me via internet: Harvey Fishman wrote a pair of programs similar to CMOSSAVE and CMOSREST, but to the best of my knowledge, never released them. WARRANTY and SUPPORT ******************** CMOSSAVE is warrantied to work 100% bug free. However, we will not compensate you for loss of data, or other damage caused by an undiscovered bug or misuse of the program. If you don't register, you use CMOSSAVE totally at your own risk. Support is available only to registered users. We will do whatever it takes to get CMOSSAVE working on your machine AFTER you register. If for any reason we can't get it to work within 30 days, we will refund your registration fee. If you ask for help without registering first, I might be cranky with you since I am involved in so many exciting other projects and resent being pulled away from them. Believe it or not about 95% of the time reported bugs are not bugs, but just failure to read the documentation. I usually start from the premis there is no bug since this program has been tested by tens of thousands of people without incident -- not that they all registered. Keep in mind, CMOSSAVE won't do you any good unless you have used it BEFORE you have trouble. We have no magic to bail you out after the fact. Pleading with me won't help. Happily, so long as you have done a CMOSSAVE, and have not overwritten it, almost any problem can be recitified even if CMOSREST or CMOSCHK fails. Shareware Status **************** CMOSSAVE CMOSREST and CMOSCHK are shareware. To register your copy please mail $20 US or Canadian cheque payable to Canadian Mind Products, money order payable to Canadian Mind Products. CMOSSAVE Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #601 - 1330 Burrard Vancouver BC Canada V6Z 2B8 telephone (604) 685-8412 internet Alternatively you can mail to: CMOSSAVE Roedy Caring Rapid Healing Center 1620 Thompson Road Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 We don't currently accept credit cards. Personal cheques are fine. Please make them payable to Canadian Mind Products. Please mention the program title since we sell many other products. We in return will send you the latest version complete with MASM source for CMOSSAVE, CMOSREST, CMOSCHK, REBOOT, NEED, BOOTSAVE, BOOTREST and BOOTCHK. We will also include a 1.2 MB or 1.44 diskette (please specify your preference) full of the source code for the complete CMP suite of 70 other DOS utilities. If you don't register, and continue to use CMOSSAVE, we will not do anything mean to you. We don't even want you to feel unusually guilty. It is theft, however. Your mom might not approve if she knew. Consider that if you DO register, that supports the creation of more shareware software such as this. As of 1996 January 27, 56 people have registered world wide. This is by far our most popular product in terms of registration. Altruistic projects awaiting funding are described in ROEDY.TXT -- my un-resume. SITE LICENSES ************* If you wish a site license to use CMOSSAVE on multiple machines you can compute the cost using the following formula: Unit cost = $20 * sqrt( 1/n ) where n is the number of copies. Total cost = $20 * n * sqrt( 1/n ) rounded the nearest dollar if you wish. Average Incremental Copies Unit Cost Cost Total 1 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 2 $14.14 $8.28 $28.28 3 $11.55 $6.36 $34.64 4 $10.00 $5.36 $40.00 5 $8.94 $4.72 $44.72 6 $8.16 $4.27 $48.99 7 $7.56 $3.93 $52.92 8 $7.07 $3.65 $56.57 9 $6.67 $3.43 $60.00 10 $6.32 $3.25 $63.25 15 $5.16 $2.63 $77.46 20 $4.47 $2.26 $89.44 25 $4.00 $2.02 $100.00 30 $3.65 $1.84 $109.54 40 $3.16 $1.59 $126.49 50 $2.83 $1.42 $141.42 75 $2.31 $1.16 $173.21 100 $2.00 $1.00 $200.00 200 $1.41 $0.71 $282.84 250 $1.26 $0.63 $316.23 500 $0.89 $0.45 $447.21 500 copies is considered an unlimited site license. Unlimited licence would entitle you to a non-exclusive irrevocable worldwide licence to use, copy and distribute CMOSSAVE within your own organization. You would not have the right to sell it to other parties. Howvever, if you were a retailer, or manufacturer, it would give you the right to install it on any machines you sell. If you were a consultant, it would give you the right to install it on any machines you service. You may modify the source code to your own requirements, but the name and address of Canadian Mind Products must not be removed from the executable code COM file. However, our name and address need not display when CMOSSAVE is run. CMOSSAVE must be used for non-military purposes only with the exception of U.N. sanctioned peace keeping missions. GROVELLING ********** I have AIDS. I have been HIV+ since 1985. I was too ill to continue working, and left my job in December 1994. I have been living on my savings ever since. They are just about exhausted. One of the medications (Cipro) I take costs $125 per prescription. I have not been able to afford it of late. I have been supporting a dozen foster kids in the third world. I don't want to abandon them. Receiving a registration for the CMP utilities in the mail is most welcome. -30-