Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #601 - 1330 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 2B8 (604) 685-8412 home phone. S.I.N: 706-511-227 name on birth certificate: Munroe Frederic Compton Green Internet American Address: Roedy Caring Rapid Healing Center 1620 Thompson Road Coos Bay, OR 97420 (541) 267-4232 (in an emergency) born 1948 Feb 4. Male 6'4" 205 pounds. Pronounced Rho-Dee accent on the first syllable. This is a nickname derived from MunRoe, my school days name. Size 39 pants. INTERESTS Planetary consciousness -- think globally, act locally. Optimize globally. Plants and animals have just as much right to the planet as humans. Man is the caretaker of earth, not its master. We must reduce the number of humans without resorting to war or pestilence. This includes in roughly descending order: Protecting the envirornment. Relaxing the taboos that are holding our populations too high e.g. homosexuality, polyandry, intergenerational sex, non-procreating incest and interspecies bonds. Publicly teaching how to beat AIDS. Communication with cetacea and other animals including humans. Pranging (stunts that break people's conditioned patterns or addictions). Writing essays. Frogs. Africa. Tropical reefs. I am available for contract work. I prefer to work in C++, Forth, Abundance, Delphi or assembler. I have proficiency in dozens of computer languages. I am interested in working with Java, Smalltalk and Perl, but I don't have experience with those yet. SALIENT FACTS - loves speaking to large audiences. Hint hint. - will soon have a radio show that goes across Canada. I am part of the "dream team". - Uses humour to gently introduce revolutionary ideas. Talks in metaphors with hidden meaning. Actively implementing plans to reshape the world. - donated his house to charity in the spring of 1985. - started Gay Lib in western Canada back in 1969. - HIV+ since summer of 85 (the AIDS rabbit died, but I'm still alive and kicking.) I am keen on spreading the techniques to which I ascribe my longevity and high energy. Because of poor health, I resigned my job in December 1994. In December 1995, I had an amazing rally, that collapsed the day I found out my T cell test results. This hints to me that AIDS is largely a psychosomatic disease. - Wrote an article in 86 October Byte on Abundance. It is a computer language that can jaunt (run forward and backward in time). Its philosophy is radically different from the mainstream. I implemented a compiler and put it in the public domain. - Wrote the public domain BBL (Big Black Lady) 32-bit Forth compiler. JPL told me they used it as a base for their compiler to control unmanned space craft. - Worked with John Lilly at the Human Dolphin Foundation. Wrote an electronic Etch-A-Sketch controlled by delphinic whistles. Took dolphins on their first tour of the human world using an video camera and underwater video monitor. Worked on project Janus. Present at the first experiment in November 1979. - Wrote Optow - a program that designs most of the transmission lines in BC and Brazil. It was the first time I discovered the whole was more than the sum of its parts. It had a "style" and "personality" I had no intention of programming in -- it just emerged out of the low level detail. - Types with Northgate Omnikey Ultra Dvorak keyboard, instead of QWERTY. The idea is most common characters are in your home row, and the least common in the bottom row. I could not touch type QWERTY without severe wrist pain. With DSK I can type for hours a day at up to 100 WPM without discomfort. 1234567890[] ',.pyfgcrl/= aoeuidhtns- ;qjkxbmwvz - wants to learn new languages including Esperanto, Chinese, Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, Arabic and an African language. I am most interested in grammar and how language determines what you _can_ think. - Past president of Apples BC. - Teamed with Paul Porter, speaks on the second Thursday of each month at Science World to the Vancouver PC User Society answering general questions about the universe often using computer metaphors. -There are some interesting new projects coming down the pipe. I am somewhat overcommited just now. I am still trapped in poverty consciousness, but I somehow need to fund these altruistic projects. This is where the money from shareware registrations goes. I need skilled people to implement the details. Projects include: 1. Stay in Touch database so friends can always find you no matter how often you move or change Internet providers. It subtly encourages people to support children in the third world by publicly displaying the names of children supported. I already have about 50 completed questionaires. Available as Web search engine, ASCII file, paper subset, or structured database incremental download for offline browsing. Could also be used by schools to track people for the next reunion 2. BusTel: way of rapidly full-duplex exchanging name/address/credit information during a voice call. This fits in with the "Common Phone" design contest (see BIX which will implement the BusTel protocol in desk phones. You tap the heart/trust key to exchange names/addresses. You tap twice to exchange credit card info. You tap three times for direct debit exchange. This project has potential to generate big bucks. 3. Web site to distribute master copies of everything (software and essays) CMP (Canadian Mind Products, nee Consolidated Moose Pasture) has ever written. The hot thing now is my public diary from BIX disasters/aids. 4. Tools to automate software sales/rentals, discourage piracy and lower software prices. This is also a potential big money maker, but it requires more initial funding than the other projects. 5. Registry to help you find your ideal lover using principles from Hendrix, Keyes and Vialogos. You fill out a VERY detailed HTML questionaire and get a list of the best matches. It is an exercise in inner and outer honesty. Scanned photos too. I have already been doing this manually for gay people. 6. Child abuse database. Tracks suspicious incidents, in themselves not conclusive, but when viewed in totality show a picture of imminent danger. This is the brainchild Alexander Investigations run by an ex-cop/private investigator. It has stalled for lack of funding. LOVES my friend Bernard, inspiring people to take a stand for planetary consciousness, sex with black guys, giving massages, hearing about people's human relationship problems, Woody Allen (especially Sleeper), early Roberta Flack, CBC Radio (especially Leon Cole,The Royal Canadian Air Farce and Double Exposure), Bach, Walter/Wendy Carlos, the movie "Something For Everyone" with Michael York and Angela Lansbury, clean air, clean water, consciousness workshops, new efficient, secure computer architectures and new computer languages that make life easy for both programmer and user. MY MACHINE I have a 90 MHz Pentium, PCI bus. 1 GIG Futjitsu SCSI Disk. 16 MB RAM.Turbo Cool power supply. ATI video card that will remain nameless to protect the guilty., Alps Allegro 500 dot matrix printer, Sony 17se monitor. HP 2 gig DAT drive. Omnikey Ultra DSK keyboard. Logitec bus mouse. USR V.32bis 14.4 modem. Toshiba 4x EIDE CD ROM. Hewlett Packard 3C colour scanner. As a machine for guests I have my old 486 with the Nec 3FGx monitor and a Nec Silentwriter 95 Laser, 4PPM, Toshiba SCSI CD-ROM. The 3COM/OS2 LAN still isn't working reliably. I run OS/2 warp. I am not happy with it. Neither am I happy with Windows. Perhaps it is time to give NT or Taligent a shot. I want an OS suitable both for me and for the computer virgins who come to visit. I want the team working on the OS I use to be totally dedicated to quality and craftsmanship. Check with Anthony Robbins and Arthur Demming on how to do this. MY HEROES Oprah Winfrey, Anthony Robbins, Woody Allen, Superman (Chrisopher Reeve), Martin Luther King, Gandhi, John Lilly, Ken Keyes, Stephen Gaskin, Carl Sagan, Nelson Mandela, David Suzuki, Paul Watson (we both stayed at the same frat house back in the early 70s), Jay Vanderbilt, St Francis of Assisi (For his guts to confront the pope with his hypocrisy, though I think he overdid the poverty thing), Kent Brothers (no he's not Joyce's husband, he's the author of VP Planner and the most intelligent person I have ever met -- a genius with a social conscience -- a Bahai.) PEOPLE I WOULD MOST LIKE TO MEET I HAVE NOT MET YET in roughly desired chronological order: Jerry Herman, Anthony Robbins , Woody Allen and friends, Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean Luc Picard), Oprah Winfrey, Julie Andrews, Christopher Reeve, Hillary Clinton. DASH 30 DASH The "-30-" at the end of my posts is a newspaper convention meaning "the end". If you have a listing, it confirms all was printed properly. In a modem transmission it confirms nothing was chopped off. If you have trouble in Galahad reading past the end of this resume, try clicking the READ button. For some reason this resume sometimes fails to end in CrLf. FAVOURITE QUOTES "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now." from "Notes on the Scottish Himalayan Expedition" by William H. Murray. The last three sentences beginning with "Whatever you can do..." is a quote from Goethe. There is no end to what can be accomplished if you don't care who gets the credit. -Art Rennison. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead Think globally; act locally - anonymous Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence. - Roedy All great programmers are paranoid - Roedy An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - Gandhi We don't know who discovered water, but we're certain it wasn't a fish. - John Culkin When elephants fight it is the grass that suffers. - Kikuyu Proverb Make something beautiful for God - Mother Theresa Face your fears - Barbara Green (my Mom) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you - The Golden Rule Be the planetary citizen you want everyone else to be. - Roedy Imitation is the sincerest flattery - Gandhi The penis is mightier than the sword - Roedy Love your enemies. Do good to them that persecute you. - Jesus I open myself genuinely to all people by being willing to fully communicate my deepest feelings since hiding in any degree keeps me stuck in my illusion of separateness from other people: - The Seventh Pathway from Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes I am discovering how my consciousness-dominating addictions create my illusory version of the changing world of people and situations around me. - The Second Pathway from Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes I am perceiving everyone, includirng myself as an awakening being who is here to claim his or her birthright to the higher consciousness planes of unconditional love and oneness. - The Twelfth Pathway from Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes You are the people. You are this season's people -- There are no other people this season. If you blow it, it's blown. - Stephen Gaskin Enlightenment is getting off your tail and doing something. - Stephen Gaskin MY POEMS These are true stories. SOLIDARITY I bought a crab and set him free in the ocean. DISAPPOINTMENT I pointed at the bun I wanted most in the whole store. The saleslady gave me something else with the same name. LUNCH DATE I went to buy a crab today to set her free in the ocean. There were no she crabs for sale. PRIMES Today, I bought another crab and set him free in the ocean. (for Dr. Melzak my math professor who survived the Nazi concentration camps with by entertaining with his feats of mental arithmetic.) ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW We listened with a herd of elk. BECKY I talked. She understood. RABBIT GOD Street people bring offerings of carrot and apple to the blue rabbit. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR A spider mysteriously appeared in my bathtub. She chose my aloe plant for her new home. FOR MANNY A woman sewed a rainbow into my coat. One should strive not to lie in the negative sense by remaining silent. - Leo Tolstoy This blurb was last updated 1996 Jan 27 -30-