BLNKETxx.TXT v4.2 (updated 02/06/96) AUTHOR DIRECT "BLANKET PERMISSIONS" FORM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION FILE FOR PROVIDING "BLANKET" PERMISSIONS FORM, AND SUBSEQUENT ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF FILES FOR DISTRIBUTION. In order to provide better service to our participating ASP authors, and to make it easier for them to submit their products to us for processing, we have developed the following system which will allow for "electronic" submissions of files to the Author-Direct File Distribution Network. Authors wishing to use this process must able to use VISA or MasterCard for paying the necessary distribution fees. This is a very detailed process, and it is *very* important that you read this document completely, and then follow the instructions *very* carefully. Failure to do so will result in delays of processing your files. THE PRIMARY BLANKET PERMISSIONS FORM ------------------------------------ In order to qualify for electronic submission of files, an author must first provide AD with a completed and signed hard-copy of the form BLNKETxx.FRM (where "xx" represents the release number). All fields must be completed. The form is to be filled out using a word processor (saved as an ASCII file) or text editor - do not "hand write" the information. This form *must* include signed credit card billing permission, so that we can bill the credit card for each submission. Please note that the actual credit card information is not required for this form - that will be provided by you at the time of product submission. All this form requires is that you grant us permission in advance to bill your credit card when products are submitted. The form is then mailed to AD at the address shown below. We highly recommend that you send the form as some form of "receipt requested" mail, so that you will have proof of receipt. When received, the AD staff will verify the information contained on the form, and assign a unique permission ID number for you. This ID number will then be confirmed to you via CompuServe or Internet Email, or via US Postal Service mail if an email address is not available. Once the author has received their Blanket Permissions ID number, they can then begin submitting their files and accompanying submission forms electronically. Electronic submissions that do not include the author's unique ID number will be rejected. 1) AUTHOR INFORMATION SECTION: This section of the form provides contact information for the author. This information is required, and will be considered confidential by AD. All fields must be completed, and must fit within the spaces provided by the "_" underscore characters. 2) BBS LOGON/UPLOAD SECTION: Electronic submissions are accepted via CompuServe, or via direct upload to our support BBS system. If you wish to have access to our BBS system for uploading files, you must complete this section. We recommend that you do so, even if you don't plan to use the BBS initially. With this information, we will establish an account for you to use, which will give you access to the private "AD Author Upload" section. All that is needed is a logon Name (first and last), and a logon password. Any other options can be configured by the caller once they are connected. 3) CREDIT CARD INFORMATION SECTION: This section does *not* require that you provide any specific credit card information. The specific credit card infor- mation will be provided on your submission form when you submit your files to Author-Direct for distribution. This form merely establishes the permission for Author-Direct to bill the transaction to the credit card indicated on the electronic submission form. This permission is *required* in order to participate in the electronic submission feature. Initial Blanket Permission Forms are to be mailed to: Author Direct FDN Richard Holler PO Box 657 Beech Grove IN 46107-0657 ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS ---------------------- Once the initial blanket permissions form has been submitted and processed, and the author is in possession of their ID number, they can then (and only then) begin submitting files to AD electronically. All files submitted must conform to the requirements outlined in the AD-AUTxx.TXT file. Files submitted electronically *must* be accompanied by an electronic copy of the submission form AD-AUTxx.FRM. IMPORTANT! -> This file *MUST* be renamed, so that its filename is the same as the primary filename of the file being submitted. Do Not submit the form as AD-AUTxx.FRM!!! For example, if the file being submitted is named MYPROG12.ZIP, then the accompanying submission form must be renamed as MYPROG12.FRM. The distribution file(s) and the accompanying submission form(s) may be delivered electronically by 1) Uploading them as "MAIL" via CompuServe, or 2) uploading them directly to our support BBS system. 1) CompuServe - files and submission forms that are submitted via Compu- Serve should be uploaded as "Mail" and addressed to Author-Direct at [73567,1547]. You should enter the filename in the Subj: field. The accompanying submission form should be sent separately to the same address. 2) Our BBS - From our Main Menu, select the "AD Author Upload" option. Be aware that if you did not establish a BBS account with your initial blanket submission form, this option will not be available for you to use. You should upload the File and the Submission Form separately. There is no need to input a detailed description of the uploaded files (even though the BBS software will require you to do so), as these will not be used by AD. SUBMISSION FORM (ELECTRONIC VERSION) ------------------------------------ The accompanying submission form is to be filled out as normal, with only a few exceptions: 1) For electronic submissions, we require that *ALL* checkboxes contain either a "Y" or "N" response. Any checkboxes left blank will be interpreted as a "N" response. 2) The "author signature & date" areas on the electronic form should contain both the authors name *and* their unique blanket submission ID number, and the date of the submission. This information is to be included in any area that would otherwise require an author signature (including credit card section). 3) The credit card information (card type, card number expiration date, and total amount) *must* be completed in order to process the submission.