This is a sample adventure built using the Graphics Adventure Game Builder from DC Software. It is intended to be used as a basis for experimentation, and you are welcome and indeed encouraged to make changes to it. Keep the original ZIP files in a safe place just in case you need to restore the files. If you make any changes to the story that you think are worth keeping, send them to me and I will incorporate them into the future releases. The story is short and simple: The king is missing. Your job is to find him. The main purpose is to provide an example of an adventure written with the system. I hope you enjoy this mini-adventure! David H. DC Software %READ INTRO2.TXT %PAGE Hello, fellow adventurer. This is a simple adventure. You start off as a young being (human, elf, dwarf, wizard, archer or fighter), in search of adventure. Armed with your father's old sword and a little money, you decide to go make your fortune. Your frient Jimmy always said he'd go with you if you decided to go. It never hurts to ask. You seem to recall that his older brother left some better weapons before he joined the King's navy. This are uncertain times. There is a rumor that the King has been missing for several weeks, and no one knows where He is. There's some idea! You might go to the King's Palace, and offer your services to the Queen! Happy adventuring! %PAGE