ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ So, is this stuff really worth registering ? ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ We think so. But you might not believe us. Take a look at what some other people write about Cheat Machine. All quotes are printed as we received them (including typos). No corrections, no additions, no translations. (But we did cut the boring/personal parts) Comments from users who do not wish to be listed here will be removed on simple request. ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± Comments on Cheat Machine ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± "I'm just happy that you guys exist, and that for a few bucks I can have lots of cheats" - Sandy Van Lare, Belgium ""CheatMachine" is very interesting and "user friendly"" - Francesco Marcatto, Italy "It's a great program, especially the programming. Keep up the good work!" - Sandra Nooren, Hasa Software, Netherlands "Well.. it's about time i register this smally ;)" - Fat Pat "enjoyed program no furter commants at this time." - Gary L. Stoppenbrink, USA "This is awsome !" - Justin R. Erenkrantz, USA "THIS IS GREAT, PLEASE SEND IT TO ME FAST" - Jason Sands, USA "This rocks." - Trieu Hai do, USA "I really injoyed this program I hope you keep making them." - Mark A. Gray, USA "Zeer goed !" - Gert Janssens, Sensible productions :), Belgium "Fantastic Programme" - David Birtles, Australia "Great to see some usefull shareware coming out of Europe at a good price !" - Willy Viethen, UK "I Love This! Please give me a spreader copy I'd like some easy money. THANKS!" - Steve "Wakko" Radabaugh, USA "This is a great program. I hope you keep on making more updates. I'm very glad somebody finnally made a program like this. The registration fee is also pretty reasonable." - Naeem Ishaq, USA "This is a great program! I can't believe you did all of this!" - Cuong Do, USA " ... you have designed an excellent programme. You deserve money for your effort." - Andrew Kennedy, Australia "Thankyou for this program,good luke" - Klaus D. Gernhuber, Germany ""uitstekend"" - The NightRanger from Hoensbroek, Netherlands "Questo mese abbiamo trovato un programma che penso davvero molto utile. Cheat Machine contiene al suo interno trucchi, codici aiuti e trainer per centinia di giochi diversi dandovi la possibilit… di averli disponibili tutti in un attimo all'interno del suo database. Inotre Cheat Machine Š un programma che viene continuamente rinnovato ed aggiornato, fornedovi semprenuovi aiuti per tutti i giochi nuovi che escono." - Pc Action Magazine, Italy (They put Cheat Machine v1.87 on their coverdisk without permission) "NOTHING , ALL IS GOOD." - Javier Palazon Iglesias, Spain (At the "Comments:" prompt) "Cheat Machine is a *great* program !!! :-)" - Jan Neersoe, Germany "a nice programme !" - Karl Kreipl, Germany "I thought the cheat machine was very helpfull and would like more." - Jeremy Durrant, Korea "Nice proggy" - Danny Suls, Belgium "Shareware Version is a very good programm: SB Sound, good handling, good hints & tips...nearly perfect congratulations to you...good work" - Ingmar Gebert, Germany "Liked the program a lot" - Paul Mink, USA "Awesome! I WANT IT!!!!" - David Stanton, USA "It's perfect ! It can give me So much hints! Thanks!" - Nicholas Chau, Canada "I love this program!!! Thank you!" And on the enveloppe : "P.S. The Credits are Cool! Huh! Huh!" - David Gyde, USA "I absolutely love this program [...] this is the absolutely best program of this type I have found, and am really looking forward to my registered copy!" - CJ DeSlivey, USA "... a very nice programme to have it and to use it!!" - Gunther De Bruyne, Belgium "This looks like a great program, I want to register!!!" - Marland V. Pittman, USA "Nice Program!" - John P. Weber, USA "The have to be more of thoes programs" - Per Bjoern Hansen, Denmark "PROFICIAT , HET BESTE PROGRAMMA DAT IK TOT HIERTOE GEZIEN HEB . [...] DOE ZO VOORT !!!" - Dirk Aerens, Belgium (Bedankt, maar zet volgende keer [Caps Lock] af, a.u.b. :) ) " ... Live long and prosper" - Sasha Erler, Germany "Ik heb zelden zo'n goed programma gezien! (Daarom registreer ik 'm ook ;-))" - Reinier van Grieken, Netherlands "CHEAT MACHINE IS VERY GOOD" - Alexandro Rovini, Italy "Nice Program! That's all." - Ralf Backes, Germany (You should really fill in your cheques before you send them !) "I LOVE THIS MAN! It is the *BEST*. Nothing even comes close to it!" - Scott Chappel, Canada "Your program is realy helpful.Please send me the latest Version of your Tool. Greetings to you and your team." - Alexander Klein, Germany "I think Cheat Machine is the Software of the Century" - Dennis Ezati, Germany "Good program" - Emeric Mancel, New Caledonia (Where-ever that is ?!??) "This is unquestionably the most useful and extensive compilation of cheats and hints I have found yet. I am impressed by your work and the interesting registration plan you offer. Keep up the work!" - Brian Franklin, USA "Very useful program !!" - "The Forche", Belgium "Liked the program! It's a big help." - Mike Kennedy, Canada (That name sounds fammiliar, somehow .... any relatives in Australia ?) "I love this program and want everything you can give me. I WANT THIS PROGRAM AND I'M EVEN WILLING TO PAY!!!" - Steve Kenneth Kokx, Canada "Good job !!!" - Mark Jendrzok, Germany "I really like Cheat Machine" - Haatem R. Reda, Saudi Arabia (Now part of the 2% non-softwarepirates in his country !) "DIT IS BAIE GOED" - Johan Theunissen, South Afrika (I just love that accent :) ) "It was fascinating." - Nicholas Ryan Jenkins (Err... sounds like something you say to your girlfriend :-) ) "This is a very great programe." - P.D. Soeberg, Denmark "This program is INCREDIBLE!! (and BELGIAN as well :-)" - Frank Geelen, Belgium "What clever little Vegimites you all are !!! Not being a 'DIE HARD' gamer, CHEAT MACHINE is a real help. TOP STUFF !!!!!!!!!!!!" - Ian Richardson, Belgium