Dark Forces Mini-Walkthru This file is a quick-and-dirty guide to getting through the missions of Dark Forces. It doesn't tell you about any of the secrets, or where to pick up good stuff, or any "neat features" in the game. It just shows you how to complete each mission as quickly as possible. In some cases, there may be other routes or methods that work just as well; these are the ones that worked for me. Once you know your way around, feel free to explore and experiment. I went through DF several times at the various difficulty levels. The only thing that changes going from Easy to Hard is the opposition. As the difficulty rises, you face more enemies, and the tougher ones (such as the three-eyed guys with the thermal detonators) show up sooner. Insofar as completing each mission goes, however, you need to do the same things regardless of difficulty setting. For those - like me - who aren't especially good at shooters, and who are not happy about the lack of a save feature, or who want to do thorough exploration without having to worry about dying all the time, I have appended the most important cheat codes at the end of the file (okay, I'll wait while you go take a peek at them, and then we'll get started....;). Mission 1 - Secret Base (Help me, Obi-Wan...) This one has nothing to do with the main plot of the game. It simply presents something we're all familiar with from the movie, is a very easy mission, and helps to get you "in the mood" for playing around in the Star Wars universe. So, from your starting point, proceed forward, taking out the soldiers to the left and right, then exit through the door to the yard. Just a bit to the left you'll see a door with a design on it. Go through that and take the elevator up. Wipe out the opposition and grab the red key. Return to your starting point and go through the side door, which opens on an elevator. Take that up, and look for a switch on one of the pillars. Push that, and go back down, where a new area has opened. Go down the stairs to the bottom, then onward until you reach the room with the desk and a wall switch behind it. Push the switch to reveal the Death Star plans. Take the plans and continue to the next room. The elevator here will bring you to the roof and the completion of the assignment. Mission 2 - Tak Base (Bring em back alive I) Here you nose around to find some clue to the mysterious Dark Troopers. From your starting point, turn right and climb up the steps. Then turn left and go around to the parapet. Below you can see part of the city. Jump down and cross the steps into the main section. South of there, look for a darkened building with a lot of troopers. After you've disposed of them, go around east and jump out the window (you may want the map up to help you move in the dark). You should see the power plant switch in the middle of the sewage. Cross over and turn on the power. The rotors will begin moving, but it isn't hard to cross back. Once the power is on, everything will be lit up and all doors function again. Now head north and find the building with the narrow passage. To the right of this one is another structure with a white door. In there is the switch to put up the bridge to the small building in the center of the water. Push the switch, then cross over to the center, push the switch there and continue on. Keep going, crouching to get past the partly-opened door, across the courtyard, and into the main building. Expect a lot of troopers here ;). Inside, go up the stairs and around the ledge to the door. Beyond is the objective, a Dark Trooper weapon. Grab that and retrace your route back across the steps. As you come off the stairs, you'll see a door. Go through that, then up and out to about where you jumped down at the beginning. From there, you should be able to make it back to the landing point without trouble (except maybe from Imperial forces ;). Mission 3 - Anoat City (Bring em back alive II) Now you have to do a little kidnapping, but it's all for a good cause, so I'm sure you don't have any qualms about accepting the assignment (heh). The sewers can be a nasty place, especially with dianoga popping up out of the muck at inconvenient moments, and irritating droids of various types flitting around with blasters aimed in your direction. This was the first time I brought up god mode; it worked so well I never went back to playing fair (besides, we can't allow the hero to be killed!). From the landing point, go straight on and around until you come to the steps leading down to a door. Go through the door to the area with the sewer grate control. Each setting opens one grate, closing any other grate that may have been open. Push the dial to one, hit the muck, and go through the opening. After the first waterfall (sludgefall?), head for the stone floor on the right. If you have trouble swimming around in the waste, hold down the shift key while you move to make it easier. Take the elevator up, walk around until you see the wall switch, and push it. Then go back down and ride the sewage to the large open area. Splash around until you find the pillar with the exit door. Return to the dial and move it to the second position. In this tunnel, watch to the left for a stone floor just before the sludgefall. Get up there and push the wall switch. Then "go with the flow" (heh) until it drops you down into a big open area with many small grates and one large one. Open the large one, go on to the switch, and then relax for the long ride out (or as much as you can relax with things trying to kill you ;). Back at the dial, move it to position three. In you go again (Kyle must be pretty ripe by now). Watch to the right for a stone floor. After you push the switch here, don't jump back in right away. Look across the sewage (where you got onto the stone floor) and you should see a door in the wall. Now hop in and make for the door. Beyond is the fourth and last switch. After pulling that, ride the sludge again to the exit (you end up in the same place as tunnel 2). Okay, you're ready for the main event (such as it is). Turn the dial to the second position and head back in. This time, with the switches turned on, the sewage flow goes on straight ahead to the opening you saw above you the first swim through the tunnel. You end up in an area with a number of "boxes", the first of them with a switch on it (and maybe some thermal throwers, too). Pull the switch to lower the box, then jump from one to another to the end, then hop over to the ledge. Follow that around to the end and nip over to the alcove across the way. Then up the steps, and from here on there's only one way to go to reach Moff Rebus. Fortunately, that ends the assignment, and you don't have to go through any more sewage to get out (whew!). Mission 4 - Research Facility (Bring em back alive III) While Rebus didn't say much (I guess the Alliance is too nice to use really persuasive interrogation techniques, hehe), he does drop one clue, about the planet Fest, your next destination. In this mission, you once again play "fetch it, Rover", having to bring back a specimen of metal. From the drop-off point, turn left and take the path to an open area with a small crack. Go around the crack and continue to the small chasm. Jump across and keep moving to the stairs. About halfway up, where the stairs make a turn, stop and look around. You should see an alcove with a trooper and a shield unit. Jump across, and continue on from there to the very end of the path, where you find a shaft. Drop down the shaft. You may want the map up while going through the wire cage area as part of it is rather dark. Follow it straight south to the end, which brings you inside the facility. Go up the stairs to the short corridor. At one end is a locked door. At the other end is a switch that controls the door. You have to hit the switch, then run as fast as you can to reach the door before it closes. Take the elevator and go straight on to the next one. Walk up the steps, on through the dim tunnel (remember the red wall for later), and keep heading forward until you reach the door with the red circle on it. Go through that, kill all the troopers, grab key card 5, and push the wall switch to open the front gates for your exit later. Go back to the red wall in the dim tunnel. Next to the wall is a door. Go through that and to the code entry panel. Set the three panels to the symbols that are on card 5, in the same order, left to right. That opens the door to the big circular staircase. Go up the stairs, taking out the troopers in the three side rooms as you proceed upward. At the top is the control room, with a nice view of the metal sitting on top of a large pillar. Note the two switches on the wall. The one on the right swings the bridge around; the one on the left changes the bridge's height. What you have to do here is line the bridge up with the lower three doors (one at a time, of course), then go down to those rooms, cross the bridge to the pillar, and push the switch. When the third switch has been activated, the pillar will descend. Get on it, get the metal, then jump off when it's low enough and exit through the door in the corner. Now go back to the red circle door (where you obtained the key card), swing around to the left, and take the stairs. This brings you to the (now-open) front gates. Go out and jump down to the blockhouse. Pull the switch to open the last gate, walk out and around the blockhouse, and take the elevator up. Jump down to the darker path, and from there just walk back the way you came to the landing site. Mission 5 - Gromas Mines (Big Boom I) Finally, a chance to do something besides play errand boy. Here you have the opportunity to blow up the whole place (now, that's more like it!). This assignment can be confusing to some, but in fact it's very straightforward, because that's pretty much what you do, keep going on. Of course, if you don't know that, you could get bogged down in hardly any time at all. From the landing site, go through the cleft in the rocks to the mining complex. Just keep running on forward past all the machinery until you come to the elevator. Ride that up inside the facility. Now just do the same thing again: onward through all the rooms until you reach the end room, which has a door you can't open and a big corkscrew-type machine in the center. As the corkscrew descends, jump on top, and then turn gently in place until you spot the wall opening (you may have to wait for the machine to start ascending again before you have the chance to jump). Leap through that into a tunnel. Follow the tunnel on to the end. You should see an alcove to the immediate right, with a blue card in it. Ignore the card; you don't really need it. I mention this just so you know you're in the right place. Look across and down; you will see an opening. Back up as far as you can, then take a running leap to the opening. This jump is easier than it looks, because you have room to get a good start. You should be holding down the shift key from the moment you start the run. Follow this tunnel on to the end. At the edge (having first disposed of any annoyances in the vicinity), take a slow, tiny step forward, and you'll drop down to a ledge just under you. Turn right. You'll see another corkscrew machine there, and as it rises, it reveals another opening. Yep, you have to run along the ledge and leap through that hole. That brings you to the final tunnel. At the end is an elevator that takes you down to the central core. Find the coupler on the central device. Pushing the space-bar as you face the coupler sets the charge. Then you have to fight the Dark Trooper (stage one) before you can leave. When he's been defeated, a second elevator opens up next to the one that brought you down here. This elevator drops you off in the big corkscrew room where you started this expedition, and the locked door is now open. You can go out that way, or back the way you came in. Using the second route through the now-open door is much the faster route. Simply run on through all the rooms (this is a straightaway so you can't go wrong here), then jump off the edge when you're outside. Go through the tunnel to the stone steps, up the steps, and push yourself into the corner. You will emerge at the beginning of the mining complex. This is where I had some trouble, since I couldn't get back up the cliff to the landing site. It would seem you have to get on top of the machine (or building, or whatever that is there), as this gives you a nice smooth jump over to the cliff. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way of getting on top, and since you can't jump up the cliff (never worked for me, no matter what), I took the easy way out, turned off the height check, and went my way. Mission 6 - Detention Center (Bring em back alive IV) Now we're back to doing fetching again, although in this case, it's a rescue operation. Looks like Crix Madine was a bit too careless and got himself caught. Since good guys never leave one of their own behind, you'll just have to save his hide. From the landing point, simply follow the rock path forward, all the way on to the very end. This brings you to a switch house. The switch calls over a triangular floating platform. It doesn't stay on your side for long, so be ready to step on it as soon as it arrives. On the trip over, face left, and watch for the alcove with the circular red switch. Shoot the switch with your blaster as you pass by to open the door (this tactic is important in several missions; any circular switch can be shot from a distance to activate it). Run through the door. After neutralizing the opposition, shoot either of the switches up above on the left and right. Ride the "elevator" up (you have to be quick to get on it), and go left first to the room with a switch. Pull the switch, return to the starting room, and go over to the other side. In the yard is a wall switch (this is revealed by the one you pushed upstairs) that activates another elevator. Ride that up to the single-bar security block. There is an elevator here that goes to several floors; the first two aren't really that important, so (inside the elevator) just push the button three times (once each stop) to get down to where you want to be. You'll know it's the right one because some interrogation droids will be waiting for you when the door opens ;). After removing them from the scene, go around to the green forcefield door. It is possible to get through it, although this may take several tries. Once beyond, continue on through all the doors until you reach the room with the window. Through it you can see a bullseye switch. Shoot that to open the doors. Run out and through the next door (don't dawdle; the doors stay open only a short time). Get the red keycard. Go around to the elevator, and take it down twice. This is part of the maximum security block, but you can't get in this way. However, in the side room are keycards 1 & 2, and those are what you want. Especially code 2, because that's the one for Madine's cell. Take the elevator back up. After you exit, push the button OUTSIDE the elevator to send it down again. This is important for later. Only push the button once. Then retrace your path all the way back to the single-bar security block. Do the same with the elevator here: push the OUTSIDE button once. Now go through the door next to the elevator. Crouch down, and you will see a door. This opens onto the shaft. Step through and drop down to the top of the elevator. You're facing another door, which leads to a ventilation room. Go through that and the next door to the second elevator shaft. Drop down again and go through the door. This is more of the ventilation system. Follow it along to the end and the garbage disposal area (almost like being in the sewers again!). Now you have to get past the crusher and up to the opening in the NW corner. That means jumping across from side to side until you make it to the opening. The timing here is very tricky, and you can easily end up squished if you're off. You might just want to pogo up to the exit instead. In any case, this will bring you into the cell block. Enter code 2 on the panel, step into Madine's cell, and you're done. Mission 7 - Ramsees Hed (Where are you going, my little one...) Now for something completely different: a little spy stuff. You don't have to blow anything up or bring anything back, just place a tracker on one of the smuggler ships. A pretty easy assignment, overall. From the landing point, go through the second narrow passage and enter the building. As you walk toward the wall, the floor lowers, bringing you into the space port. Expect a lot of nasties here, especially our three-eyed friends with the thermal detonators. Pull the switch, lowering a wall and allowing you to go over to that side for the yellow key. Walk back to the north and shoot the bullseye switch to raise the wall again. Take the elevator in the NW corner up to the platform and cross the narrow bridge (the top of the wall you raised) to the other side. Walk south and jump off at the end. Take the elevator to the boxes area. Pull the switches as you come to them (each opens a new area). Keep going until you reach the elevator (not the one you came up by). Take the elevator up and keep going, through the dim area, to the next elevator. Ride that one. When you get off, go around and jump off the ledge. Continue on until you arrive at the next large open area. Take the east elevator up to the platform. Walk to the south end and jump across to the other side. When you hit, the platform will rise for a short time, allowing you to open the door. Move fast, because the platform won't stay up very long. Now you're in a long corridor with white walls. Go through the open doors until you reach the next-to-last side door. Go through that one and around to the ledge. Jump down to get the red key. Stand on the platform and shoot the bullseye to raise the platform; make sure you get off on the west side. Return to the white corridor and follow it to the end. Open the door and continue on until you reach the ledge room. Go around the ledge to the room with the blue key. Take that and go all the way back to the other end of the white corridor, which is a large room with many boxes. In back is a door; open that (face sideways at the edge of the door to use the switch) and then just keep going (there's only one way) until you find the spot to attach the tracking device. Mission 8 - Robotics Facility (Big Boom II) Time for more fireworks! The smuggler ship was successfully tracked to the robotics facility, and now you get to take it out much the same way you did the Gromas Mines. This is an ice planet, which means footing isn't too terrific unless you have ice cleats. You can find a pair by going carefully around the facility until you come to what looks like a chasm. Jump across and turn around. You'll see a pair of cleats on a ledge just below the top. Now that you know where they are, jump back over and get them. Or, you can save time and trouble by using the cheat code (if you haven't already) to give yourself all the standard items. Whichever, you want to make it to the top of the facility and the moving belt. Using the height toggle is the easier method. If you want to do it fairly, first find the waterfall with the hidden cave behind it. Go up the steps to the top and then jump into the water. It will flow past a chunk of ice with a trooper or two on it; get off there, as that's where the blue key is found. Once on the belt, just stand there and let it take you along (can you say "moving target"? I knew you could ;). Eventually it will end at a door. Just before this door is a window to a control room, with a bullseye switch. As you probably guessed, this is the switch that opens the door. You have to shoot the switch and then hurry over to the door before it shuts. Good luck ;). Ride the interior belt through the next door, then jump down into the muck and make your way past the up-and-down walls. Ride the next belt to the guardhouse and jump in there. Push the switch, get back on the belt, and ride it to the next guardhouse. Jump through the third window to get inside. Here you pick up the red key. There is also a switch on the wall; push that, then look through the rooms for the other switch. This one is another time limit trick. Push the switch, then hurry out and jump up the east wall to the opening before it closes. Go through the passageway. At the end, push both switches, then drop down the shaft to the area with the coupling devices. After the third charge is set, a Dark Trooper will show up. You have to kill him to get out; once he's defeated, an exit will appear. Go through that (there's only one way). Once outside again, return to the landing site. Mission 9 - Nar Shaddaa (Bring em back alive V) Well, the Alliance has run out of real leads, so the only thing left is to get your hands on some data. For that, you visit the smugglers paradise of Nar Shaddaa, the vertical city...and with a price on your head, yet. Hey, no one ever said that working for the underdogs was gonna be a picnic ;). After arriving at the city, jump down and push the switch to move the curved wall to a new position, revealing a small entryway. Crouch down and jump through. Get the yellow key, then take the elevator up. Go through the window by the elevator and open the door. This puts you on a ledge. Jump to the gray floor, walk through the narrow passage, and keep going straight on through all the doors until you reach an elevator. Take that, and continue on again until you reach the door that opens on a ledge. Walk a little ways on the ledge, turn to the left, and jump over to the other ledge. Go through the second door. In this large area, go to the northeast section and find the small staircase going up to a dimly-lit room. Get the red key, then exit and make your way to the extreme southwest, and jump up to the western platform. Go through the narrow passage, loop around to the second one, and locate the stairs down to another room. In here you will find the blue key. Go back the way you came, jump off the platform, head north and then west to the door. Open the door, which puts you on a ledge. Turn right and go through the other door. Continue on to the room with a door and a window. Skip the door and go the other way. Just keep going forward through all the doors and passageways until you reach the narrow walkway. Directly across is the final door that leads to the room with the nava card. Mission 10 - Jabba's Ship (Beam me up, Scotty!!!) Hmmm, looks like you're in big trouble now. The ship's been taken, Jan is nowhere to be seen, all your gear is gone, and you're about to become dragon chow. Guess it must be one of *those* days. I hate to tell ya this, but you're just gonna have to fight Mr. Lizard with your bare hands. Yep, you have to punch him out to get the doors open; there's no other way. I sure hope you had your Wheaties this morning. Once the battle is over, the doors to the east and west open (in hard mode, another Kell Dragon will amble in to pay its respects, and others will be roaming the area, too). Go east, and pull the switch at the south end of the "tunnel". This creates a very narrow walkway to the top outside. Follow that around, then jump over to the ledge with the blue key. Go through the north door and on to the area full of Orcs..err, ahem, make that Gamorreans (sorry, they just look so much like standard RPG cannon fodder critters ;) and our old pals, the three-eyed grenadiers. Punch 'em all out as you make your way over to the room in back that has the switch to open the side door. Once past the door, go to the middle room, where you'll see your gear hanging from the ceiling. Simply stand underneath it and jump up (you don't even need to hit the space bar). This also opens the other door outside. Then go to the third room and pull the switch to raise the floor. Head out and through the door you just opened. Pull the switch in the circular room to reveal the stairs. Continue on until you reach a room with two doors set in white pillars. Go through the first one and get the red key, then go through the second door. Keep going to the elevator. Take that up, and pull the switch that raises the bridge. Go across and on to the next elevator. Ride that up, go through the narrow passage, and jump across at the end. Continue on to the room with the white pillar and a small hole at the bottom. Drop down the hole to some sewage (just like being back in Anoat City, eh?). Grab the yellow key and pull the switch to leave. Continue forward until you reach the area with several circular rooms. The nava card is in the one room with a door. Once you have the card, exit this area by the door in the southeast. Jump down and go around to the door, which leads to an alcove over where you began this delightful trek. Pull the switch that raises the floor and cross to the other side. Head down the stairs and onward to the room with the narrow ledge. Follow that around to the end, then jump over to the second partition. A hole in the floor drops you down to the cell level. Jump across to the platform on the other side, open the middle door, step inside to greet Jan, and you're done. Mission 11 - Imperial City (It's all Greek to me) Don't go resting on your laurels (or anything else) just yet. The info on that nava card has to be decoded, and there's only one place to do it: the Imperial Security Operations Building on Corsecant. Corsecant, home of the Big E (Emperor Palatine to you) himself. Since this is another stealth mission, you'll be doing it in approved covert style, namely running in with blasters blazing. Love this secret stuff ;). So, from the landing point, go through the entryway and head for the elevator in the far southwest corner. Take that up, then head across west to the stairs on the southwest side. Go up and around to the elevator. Ride that to the rooftop. Cross the roof and take the blue key. Then jump from the roof over to the east door. Continue on from there until you reach a door with a red symbol on it. Beyond is an elevator, which brings you to another level. Here you see two doors side-by-side. Clean out both, then work the levers in the rooms to lengthen the table in the west room as far as it will go. Pull the other lever, jump on the table, and from there into the hole in the wall. Go through the dark passage to the end and push the switch, creating an opening. Jump to the room beyond, take the red key, and exit via the door. Open the red key door and ride the elevator. Continue on to the next elevator. Take that and continue on again to yet another elevator. This brings you to an open area. Enter the room with the red symbol door. Pull the switch to reveal (outside) a second such door. Go through that and take the elevator to the computer access area. This is the outer ring of three rings, and you have to open the doors in all three rings the correct way to make a path to the computer. There is a panel next to each door in the outer ring. Note the three red bars on it. Each bar represents a door, starting from the outer ring (top) to the inner ring (bottom). When a bar is present, that door is closed. Only one door can be open at a time. Each press of the switch opens one door and closes the other. Starting at the first door, go around the ring and open all the doors. When you're done, you'll be back in the entry room. Go to the first door, and set that for third door open. Moving *counter-clockwise*, set the next two panels for third door open. Set the two panels after that to second door open. You should end up in a section with a window in the wall. Go through that and just continue on along the rings until you reach the computer access room. Push all three switches on the central pillar and you arrive at the computer core. Push the two switches on the computer to reveal the panel. Press the space bar at the panel to decode the card. After a few seconds, the data tapes will appear to the right. Pick up the tapes and go to the exit door (red symbol). Follow the tunnel around to the outside, and retrace your path to the landing site. At this point, Boba Fett appears. You have to kill him (or maybe that should be "defeat him", because we all know what happens to him later on ;), as Jan won't show up until he's down. Expect a tough fight. Mission 12 - Fuel Station (Mine, all mine) A change of pace here (and a very simple assignment) as you get the chance to hijack a smuggler ship. A couple more like this, and you could have your very own fleet! However, first things first. Take the elevator, and then the stairs down to the large circular area. Head around east to the large room in the east wall. Kill the officer here to obtain the blue key. Then swing south and go through the long doors with the gold bars. Go upstairs and push the switch to bring the central bridge to your location. Cross the bridge and jump to the northwest alcove. Take the elevator up and continue on to the room with the switch. Press that, and return to the large outer ring. Go up the west side, looking for a circular room similar to the one you came in by. Enter that and go upstairs. Take the elevator, then forward to the end of the passage. Kill the officer and grab the yellow key. Head back, and go down the stairs on the right to the door. Waltz through the door, pull the switch, and you're off! (hey, I *said* it was simple!!) Mission 13 - Stowaway (Sittin' on the dock of the bay...) So now here you are, stowed away on board a super star destroyer. Just the experience you've always wanted, right? Surrounded by tons of Imperial soldiers, nowhere to run, and no backup in case of trouble. Maybe you should get yourself over to that shuttle as soon as possible. Leave the room, head north, and walk down the side stairs to an open area. Go through the "tunnel" to the other side, and push the switch to retract the wall. Continue on through the white wall tunnel to the next open space. Push the switches to retract the next two west walls. Stand on the second wall and push the switch there to raise it up again. This brings you to a very large area. Find the switch on the west side, north wall, and pull it to ride up to the door. Go through that and on to a long, wide door. Pass through and take the elevator down. This seems to be some sort of docking bay, and you will see a TIE fighter floating around now and then. Don't worry, it won't attack you. Go to the northeast and ride the elevator. Continue on to the next one and take that. Cross the two bridges and keep going until you reach the room with the pillars. Ride the elevator up at the start of the room, then jump from pillar to pillar until you reach the door. Go through that and keep moving forward until you come to a red symbol door. Here and at the next one you must fight some Dark Troopers. The doors will not open until they've been defeated. This brings you to the shuttle area. Go through each room, pushing the red switches as you progress. After the shuttle has docked, continue through the remaining doors to the end. Mission 14 - Arc Hammer (Big Boom Finale) Okay, you've reached the big one. The trail has finally ended at the Arc Hammer, cruiser and construction facility for the Dark Troopers. Taking it out should be a piece of cake after all you've been through up to now, eh? Well, not quite. This is the most complicated of the missions, since the three couplers are not conveniently located in the same area. Whoever designed this ship obviously knew you were coming ;). Let's get moving on this one. Exit the room and go around to the red-striped wall, which is an elevator. Take that down, then go along the narrow passage, past the welder, and push the switch in the next room. Go back up the elevator. A bridge has appeared at the north end of the platform, allowing you to reach the door. Go through that and on to elevator at the end of the platform by the red and white posts. Ride that down and go around to the door. You'll have to kill some Dark Troopers before it opens. This brings you to a platform. Across the way, you'll see a red circle door. Continue to the end of the platform, push the switch there, then hurry back and jump through the red circle door before it closes. Continue to the elevator and onward through the dim passage to a big room with stairs. Go up the stairs and push the switch, which reverses the steps. Climb up and then jump up to the dark passage at the end of the corridor. Walk down the passage, then jump to the ledge across the way. Walk around to the other side and jump to the alcove. Keep going through the next dark passageway and on until you reach the red door and the low bridge. Crouch down and go under the bridge. Continue to the next bridge and go under that. You should now be at the first coupler, which is partially blocked, so you can't get to it. Check out the machines on the side of the room. In one of them is a bullseye switch. You can either shoot the switch or try jumping inside to work it manually. Once the switch is green, the obstructing wall is removed and you can plant the charge on the coupler. Retrace your steps to the red door, which is now open. Take the elevator down and continue on to the moving walls. There is an elevator here that will bring you to the top of the first wall. From there, you have to leap across the walls until you get to the next room. Jump down and take the elevator up in the northwest corner. At the ledge, walk left and around to the next coupler. This one is not obstructed, so planting the charge here is easy (except for the opposition, of course ;). Ride the belt back. Jump across the platform at the spot where you first entered from the moving walls. Walk to the other end and take the elevator. Go through the red door and ride the belt to the end. Then take the next belt, being ready to shoot the bullseye switch to open the door ahead. Ride through the door. Continue on to the next belt. This is the nasty one, as staying on it won't be easy. It has a number of drop-offs and several places where you have to crouch down. You may well have to redo this part more than once to get to the end, where you push the switch to stop the belt. Once the belt is stationary, walk back slowly and keep an eye on the west side for a small opening. It's easy to miss if you're not careful. Jump off the belt there and go around to the dark passage. Head south to the light and then swing around to the exit into the room with the five bullseye switches. Now look at the wall opposite. You'll notice it has some openings in it. So do the two end walls. Using the switches, you have to create a continuous line from one end to the other (the big wall is actually five separate sections, each moved by a different switch). I found it easiest to line up the ends first and then do the middle part. The line will not be a straight horizontal one, of course, but all the pieces have to connect to each other, and the ends of the big wall have to line up with the two smaller side walls. When that's been done, return to the dark passage and follow it all the way to the other end. Take the elevator and continue on through the next passage to the last coupler. Like the first one, it is partially obstructed and you'll have to shoot the bullseye switch to clear the way. After the last charge is placed, take the elevator, then go around and jump down to the central area below. Go to the southwest-most door and drop down. Push the switch next to you to rise up again, and also open the giant pillar in front of you. The impression here is that you're fighting Darth Vader in some sort of battle armor, or maybe it's a super Dark Trooper under his control; it isn't exactly clear which. In any case, you have to defeat it. After you've done that, go to the northeast-most door, which is now open, and continue on to the shuttle bay. Wipe the single officer there, and walk on towards the shuttle. If you don't get the "objectives completed" message, try hitting the Esc key and seeing if the menu says "Next Mission" or "Abort Mission". If it says "Next", choose that to see the final cut scene and end the game. If it says "Abort", walk around the bay a little and try again. So the Arc Hammer pops out in a blaze of glory, and ol' Asthma in Black mutters about the Force being strong with Kyle. I was kinda expecting something a bit more spectacular here, myself. Cheat Codes Below are the main cheat codes for the game. Simply type them in any time after a mission has begun. You can find others by browsing the IMUSE.EXE file with a hex editor or hex viewer. Can't guarantee any of those will work, but you can always give them a try. LAIMLAME - God mode. Good only for the current mission; you have to enter it again at the beginning of the next one. Confers absolute invulnerability to anything, including long falls. Especially handy when making those dangerous jumps. Note: this can be turned off by the shield supercharge when it runs out, and you will have to type it in again. Revive does not have this effect. LACDS - Full map, with objects, bodies, and living critters. Shows on both the overlay map and the one in the PDA. LAPOGO - Height check toggle. When off, you can get to the top of most anything simply by walking against a wall. Doesn't work on bridges or jutting ledges, however, since there is nothing under them to walk into. LAPOSTAL - Complete set of weapons, full supply of ammo, plus gas mask, ice cleats, and night goggles. You only need to enter this once; everything stays with you from mission to mission. LAREDLITE - Ponder mode. Freezes all critters in their tracks. You, however, can still move (and shoot). I found this one most helpful in dealing with those annoying silver spheres that dart around so rapidly. LARANDY - Weapon supercharge. LASKIP - Concludes the current mission as completed, no matter when you enter it. Good for those times when you don't want to make the long trek back to the landing site, or if you really can't stand the current assignment. Dark Forces is copyrighted 1995 by LucasArts Entertainment Company. This walkthru is copyrighted 1995 by Scorpia, all rights reserved,