Here's my current cheatcode list for IDSOFTWARE games. What do you think? Read the DOOM Frequently Asked Questions in 4 files, DMFAQ66A.TXT, DMFAQ66B.TXT, DMFAQ66C.TXT, & DMFAQ66D.TXT. They should be enclosed with any registered copy of THE ULTIMATE DOOM or DOOM2. Also look for the FAQ's files online on the BBS hard drive. In the files, look for cheats and command line parameters for more game options! Note that no cheatcodes work within a Deathmatch session! Some DOOM & DOOM2 cheats: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IDDT -Toggle full area Automap, full map with monsters IDKFA -Killer Freaking Arsenal IDFA -Full Arsenal without armor/health IDCHOPPERS -Chainsaw IDCLEV(#) -Warp to map, in DOOM1 type 1-3 for episode, then 1-9 for level. In DOOM2, type 01-32 for map level. IDBEHOLD -Powerups: quickly hit I-Invisibility, S-Beserk pack, V-Invulnerability, R-Radiation suit, A-Computer Area Map, or L-Light Amplification Goggles IDDQD -God mode, watch attackers in action IDMYPOS -Get coordinates of player IDSPISPOPD -Walk through walls in DOOM1 IDCLIP -DOOM2 walk through walls ======= HERETIC & HEXEN info: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the complete (?) list of cheatcodes for Heretic: QUICKEN - God mode, can not die RAMBO - Get all weapons GIMME - Get all the Artifacts (designated a,b,c,...,j) RAVSKEL - Get a full keyring RAVMAP - Get an advanced, detailed map KITTY - Walk through walls ENGAGE - Jump to another level PONCE - Get full health SHAZAM - Power up mode MASSACRE - Kills all monsters on the level COCKADOODLEDOO - You get to be a chicken (?) TICKER - Turns on devparm mode IDDQD - Commit suicide DON'T use IDKFA or you will lose all weapons!!! ======= Wolfenstein 3-D cheat codes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On command line: wolf3d -goobers Within the game: Press Shift-Alt-Backspace Press Tab-G health Tab-I weapon Tab- etc. Type ILM at anytime in the game and you will get full life, ammo, and weapons. BUT your score will be put down to 0 !!