The Secret Level on Episode 2: Sacred Grove

Getting to Sacred Grove

To get to the Sacred Grove, you must first solve all six puzzle switches on episode 2. Once all six switches are activated, the hidden portal to Sacred Grove opens.

This portal is on Shadow Wood: go outside the temple on Shadow Wood, where there's a high rocky place. There are tall steps here that lets you climb to a high ledge near the top of the rocky place. Just before you reach the top, there's an opening to the right; the portal is inside there. Note that you won't be able to enter this opening until the six puzzle switches are pulled. Step into the portal...

The Switch on Sacred Grove

First, kill all the ettins that come charging at you as soon as you enter the level. After you kill them, something opens at the base of the pillar in the centre of the level. Go to the pillar, and look for a switch. Pull it. This switch is the one that Raven said will trigger something several levels ahead. It activates something in the Forsaken Outpost, which is in Episode 4. You must pull this switch if you want to get to the secret level in Episode 4.

Three Mystic Urns

I was wrong in the previous walkthrough when I said that there's nothing else left in this level!! I've found out that besides the goodies scattered around this level, there are three Mystic Urns hidden in three extremely secret places on this level! They're so secret that they don't even show on the map. (No, not even after you've found them!) Well, I'll let you figure out where they are yourself, since this level is small enough. :) Hint: look very carefully at those roots on the walls.

After you've found the three Mystic Urns (what a bonus!), or you give up, :) step into the portal back to Shadow Wood and continue with your quest.

This episode: Shadow Wood
Previous episode: Seven Portals
Next episode: Heresiarch's Seminary (Episode 3)
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