Walkthrough of Hexen

by H.S. Teoh (yu107955@laurel.yorku.ca). Last updated 18 Dec 95.

Those of you who want an introduction to Hexen should look at the Hexen FAQ maintained by Arne Michaelsen. You may also want to see Raven's page for the background story, hardware and software requirements, etc..

NOTE: This walkthrough concentrates mainly on the puzzle side of the game. So, with the exception of boss monsters and some tricky places, the presence of monsters is mostly omitted in the directions; you are expected to be able to deal with them yourself.

A text version for this walkthrough is now available, for those of you who have been waiting for it! The HTML was converted by David Madsen. Special thanks to him for doing this conversion for me! Feel free to mail me or David Madsen any comments, suggestions, etc., on this text version. Please note that the text version may not be as up-to-date as the HTML version, because I usually put up the HTML version before it's converted. So if there are any discrepancies the HTML is more reliable. Sorry for any confusion.

Corrections/updates since the last version (dated 5 Dec 95):

Episode 1: Seven Portals

Episode 2: Shadow Wood

Episode 3: Heresiarch's Seminary

Episode 4: Castle of Grief

Episode 5: Necropolis

Epilogue: Dark Crucible

Segments of your Fourth Weapon

This information is already embedded in the above walkthrough; but it's indexed here for those who want a quick glance. (Note: this only applies to single-player mode; for multi-player mode this information may not be correct.)
  1. The first segment of the fourth weapon is at the end of the Seven Portals (Episode 1), in front of the portal that leads to Episode 2.
  2. The second segment is in one of the rooms in the Hypostyle (end of Episode 2).
  3. The last segment is in the room full of pitchers in the Heresiarch's Seminary (Episode 3).
Note that all three segments of the fourth weapon can also be found in the Desolate Garden (Episode 4).


Thanks to the following people who mailed me corrections, additional tips, etc.: Arne Michaelsen, Michael G. Bush, Michael W. Daniels, John Renaud, David Madsen, Greg D. Spurr, Rob Viren, Greg Hewgill, Jeff Rife, Hiram Lester Jr., Ron Garrison, Arco Vermaat.

Special thanks to David Madsen for converting this walkthrough to text for me.

And of course, credits go to Raven Software and ID Software for making the game itself.

If you find any errors in this walkthrough, please let me know. Write to me at: