Command and Conquer Mini-Campaign (6 missions) Campaign Name: Amazon Assault Created By: Andrew Griffin ( Release Date: 7 February 1996 Map information: 6 scenarios. All original maps. Replaces Nod missions 7 to 12 inclusive. Player: NOD Difficulty: Varies Filename: File contents: amazon.txt savegame.021 scb07ea (I/B) scb07eb (I/B) scb07ec (I/B) scb08ea (I/B) scb08eb (I/B) scb09ea (I/B) scb09eb (I/B) scb10ea (I/B) scb10eb (I/B) scb11ea (I/B) scb11eb (I/B) scb12ea (I/B) scb12eb (I/B) mission.ini (I/B) means that there is one file with the extension .ini and one file with the extension .bin Tested on Command and Conquer v1.19 (English version) Savegame produced from v1.19 (English version) (I/B) means that there is one file with the extension .ini and one file with the extension .bin. How to use this package -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Simply unzip the file into your Command and Conquer directory and you are ready to play. Use the savegame provided (or another level 7 Nod savegame) to start at the first mission. Once you complete a mission, you will get the normal map display where you are shown where your next battle will be. Just pretend that the map you see if Brazil :) No matter which arrow you click on, you will get the same mission as I didn't create different missions for each of the available choices. After you have completed level 12, you will play the normal level 13, as you have completed this mini campaign. This set of missions is supposed to be played sequentially, not individually as it lends to the 'feel' I was trying to produce (and the fifth mission makes a lot more sense after having won the previous ones). You can play them individually, but this is not recommended. Campaign Description -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GDI has been notified of a massive tiberium deposit in the Amazon jungle by the Brazilian government, and we have gotten wind of this. We cannot let GDI gain control of this tiberium field less it lessen our domination of the tiberium market. You are to find out where this tiberium field is situated and then forge a path to it so that the Brotherhood can exploit this resource. Scenario Descriptions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level 1: Find the map (mission 7) One of our spies in GDI has reported that the Brazilian government has notified GDI of a massive tiberium deposit in the Amazon jungle, supposedly much larger than any deposit ever seen. We cannot let GDI get their hands on such a large deposit of tiberium, but do not know precisely where it is. We do know where a map is that will lead us to it, however. You are to take a small squad and retrieve the map from the communications centre in the NW corner. Do not let that building be destroyed! Unfortunately, a parachute drop of the APC you were to have access to went wrong and the vehicle ended up getting seriously damaged, though still in working order. The offending pilot has had his contract 'terminated'. Level 2: The Slog (mission 8) Congratulations on your last mission. We now know where this tiberium deposit is and have found a way to reach it. GDI has cut a road through the Amazon forest to reach this deposit, and it is this road which we will use. However, GDI has heavily fortified this road, so it is up to you to clear the way for our troops. We must control this path to reach our goal. Be aware that GDI has been able to bring in massive air support into battles recently, so beware of A-10 attacks, especially in the difficult to maneouver space. You will get quite a bit of tank backup, as they get chewed up very quickly. Level 3: Destroy Refineries (mission 9) GDI has stupidly set up 4 tiberium factories to pay for their equipment, but have yet to receive their harvesters, leaving them without a source of income. There is a very short period of time before the first of these harvesters arrive, so take a small force and destroy all four refineries. Don't worry about destroying the rest of the base, you don't have the equipment to do that. Don't take too long or GDI will get their production up and running and be able to start making tanks. Watch out for air support - you don't want to be caught in the open with your little force. Level 4: Body Blow (mission 10) Now that we have crippled the base, leaving it virtually without a source of income, you are to build your own base and destroy the GDI defenders. They have managed to strengthen their defenses and shipped in an emergency harvester, so they will put up some resistance. You should have access to enough tiberium to pay for your machines of war. Again, watch out for the heavy air support. We are working on putting an end to this continuing annoyance. Level 5: Swat the Flies (mission 11) Our scientists have worked out how GDI are managing to pinpoint our forces so precisely and bring in massive air support. They are using a new orbital station to get real-time pictures of the battlefield, which is enabling them to accurately send in large squadrons of A-10s. We cannot allow this to continue. We have located the base where this equipment is stationed - you are to take in an assault group and destroy the advanced communication centre and the 4 communication centres at all cost. As a stroke of luck, a GDI commander is visiting this base. Search out and destroy his Mobile HQ before proceeding with the demolition of the communication centres. The fool is inspecting the outer defences. It is recommended that you not try a frontal assault on the base. Level 6: The Goal (mission 12) At last, our forces are at the entrance to the tiberium field. This is the only access point to the deposit, and GDI have already set up a large base that is being used to collect massive amounts of tiberium. We must control this field. You are to build up your own base and destroy all GDI defenders. Once the base is destroyed, we will have access to the greatest tiberium field on Earth! Air support should be minimal, but keep your eyes open. Do not fail The Brotherhood! Fight! Win! Prevail! Other Comments -=-=-=-=-=-=-= There is a little problem with level 4 as the computer doesn't rebuild its base as it should do. I have a feeling that this is because the .ini file is getting too big, but after playing the level decided that this was not such a bad thing. The computer does rebuild its base in the final mission however (parts of it anyway). These missions are not meant to be impossible, you can win them, although it does take a bit of patience and requires you to use the abilities of the vehicles you are given (as you only get to build a base in 2 of the missions). I hope you enjoy this little mini campaign. Andrew Griffin (