/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ - - D I E - -/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ COMMAND AND CONQUER SINGLE PLAYER MISSION Mission Name- ?):DIE:)? Created By- <<<<<<<<------JUSTIN HAAGA------>>>>>>>> Map info- About 62x62 pretty large! Date Realeased- 2\8\96 Player- GoodGuy Difficulty-????Play and See???? File Contains- D I E.INI, D I E.MAP, D I E.TXT, SAVEGAME.852 HELP!.TXT File Name- DIE.ZIP ___TESTED ON COMMAND AND CONQUER V1.0.7 ENGLISH VERSION______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |MISSION DECRITION| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Really cant tell much play and SEE!! I can give you a little info. You are ready to !!!!DIE!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LEVEL DICRIPTION<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Intelligence are in the area of Justin Repulic of Hell. They were investigating the disaperance of a small town. When they got there they saw trees and nice lakes?... They thought they made a mistake then $&^$^#%@%!@%%$&*% ....??? +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-LEVEL REPLACEMENT-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This replacement of a Gdi level 13-15a,b or c must likey 15a! (USAGE) You may want to just load the SAVEGAME file or if you wish copy the D I E.MAP,INI to General.mix. *****OTHER INFORMATION***** If you want more help on this mission there is a HELP.TXT file that will help you and also give you hints! This mission was created because some people just dont like easy mission... So I made this for them EXTRA people! I dont give you alot information..... It IS HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was created on CCMAP V2.1 (or the newest one). And some extra add in's by hand!! And if you want to personaly write to me I would very much be willing to write you back! If negitive or GOOD or suggestions for other missions! Write to me at------ INTERNET-JJH375@WWW.AOL COMPUSERVE-72754,3037 YOU CAN GET THIS MISSION AND OTHERS BY- http://wellness.uwsp.edu/authors/gheeres/c&c/ http://www.econ.cbs.dk/people/dszcpk/cc.html Go- Gamers Fourm ModemGames(I THINK??--) ^^^^^^^-Or "SEARCH" WAR GAMES EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~READ IF MORE MISSIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF ANYONE WANTS TO TEST MY MISSION I WOULD LIKE THAT VERY VERY MUCH (IT KINDOF GETS HARD TESTING ALL OF THEM)!!!!! JUST WRITE TO ME AND SAY " I WANT TO TEST" THANKS----- <<<<<----JUSTIN---->>>>>