/\/\/\/\/\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ D I E<<<<<*>>>>>H E L P/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ { HELP ON ITEMS AND HINTS } This is a help FILE ONLY!! If you or stuck or want help read.... Q-I die to fast how do I get a situble base? A-You will have two MVC'S One near the JUSTIN REPULIC OF HELL and one in the NOD base. Get them opened! and put walls!! Q-I cant get money fast enough. A-The reinforcement in the NOD base are near 4 money crates! When you find them just look directly down and blow through the wall and go straight down and by trees are 4 of them! Q-It still to HARD!! Need more help- A-You know that if you destroy the sams you'll get air support well... DESTROy all of them in JUSTIN REPLUBLIC OF HELL and you'll get 5 Bomers! and there is one not near the base that you can destroy and get 1 bomber. Q-IT IS EASY!!!!! A-If you are a CHEATER and you editos and money cheats it still easy... well write to me and I'll try to make something HARD for you people. And if you dont cheat then your pretty damn GOOD!!!! Write me... Q-HINT--- A-When you get to the screen the very first i suggest you go almost directly right because the lazer will kill some of your troops... and the lazer if you destoy it you can easialy get into there base! and take it over.... Q-HINT--- A-The reinforcement can be a big help when you here that "REINFORCEMENT HAS ARRIVED"(Near the top left corner) Go directly to it and destoy the FACTORY or NOD AIR STRIP. Q-HINT--- A-The Nod Lazers do NOT WORK!!! It is a trick you should have know that by now. So take OVER THERE BASE!!! THATS IT (I THINK) ---ENJOY :) :| maybe not......