=========================================================================== Title : Hour of Doom for DOOM II Filename : DM2HOUR.WAd Date Finished : 01-09-1995 Author : Terry Neve (In Colorful Colorado) Email Address : Forget it, I am probably just working on my next DOOM level. Other Files By Author : This is my first. Misc. Author Info : I lay in bed at night thinking about Sectors, Line Defs, Vertexs, then dream of Hell Knights and Revenants. I also need a bigger hard drive 500 megs is just not enough!! Description : Prepare for your worst nightmare, it has been mine for the last 6 weeks. I have played this wad through repeatedly and I can get through it so can my beta tester Greg, so save often. Additional Credits to : To my wife for putting up with me and my computer, DOOMCAD5 and it's creator Matt Tagliaferri, Id for DOOM and DOOM II, and to Matt Fell for The Unofficial Doom Specs. Also to Greg Birkett my beta test player. =========================================================================== DOOM II New level WAD : Yes * Play Information * Map # : Map 01 Single Player : Yup Cooperative 2-4 Player : Think so Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Pretty sure, havn't tried it Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Nope New Music : Nope New Graphics : Nope Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Started with DOOMCAD5's Tutorial and expanded. Thanks go to Matt Tagliaferri Build Time : Hour's and Hour's Mostly learning time. Editor(s) used : DOOMCAD5 Known Bugs : Not yet May Not Run With... : * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels or add it with other levels to make multi-level games. But it would be nice if you would give me alittle credit for it. You may do whatever you want with this file, as long as you enjoy playing my game first. Just don't be tacky and distribute it under your own name without making dramatic changes to it first. Special Note: You haven't tried to build your own level yet huh? I'm sure you think that it is to hard, well you will never know if you don't try! If I can do it so can you! * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: Compuserve Gamers Forum