-> E1 M3 <- MAXCASTL - The Most Massive Wad - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To play Maxcastl, dump all the files to your doom dir and type: MAX (Skill #). ex. Max 4 - for Ultraviiolence. ~~~~~~ To play the LMP, (demo file) type: PLAYMAX (Reveals some of the secrets and some valuable stratgies for survival in ultraviolence mode) Inspired by NJ_CASTL.WAD, much of the integrety of the original level has been maintained, except that it is HUGE. I opened up many of the void spaces on the map to make pas- sages and secret rooms. Spent months fighting Vis-Plane Overflow, (To all Wad Builders: Yes it can be beaten. You may not end up with the views that you would like, but if you have a level that you think is worth saving delete some objects, and move a few walls or simplify. You should be able to overcome the problem.) -Wanted to build alot more- Had plans for a dungeon, and wanted to make the "town" more detailed, but the node-builder couldn't handle one more ver- tice, and even krapped out when I tried to merge two vertices and when I tried to delete a sector. Such are the limitaions that we must work under. Therefore I have decided to put my plans to use in two other levels -currently in production- to make a trilogy, of which this level is the third chapter. Endevouring to make this level as entertaining as possible, I worked on keeping the action up while putting in "safe" places that were easy to get to where a player can catch their breath and stock up on health and ammo (there's plenty) and that inter-connect through leaps or back doors. There are many ways to approach certain areas, and the action inside tha castle is very much determined by the way a player behaves while on the outside, monsters my appear in one area the first time you play and may not show at all in the same area the second or third time through. If you want to survive this level, you have got to get used to running and strafing (if you haven't allready) it's very tough in the begining, and in the town. There are secrets behind most of the candles, and most secrets lead to other secret areas that are filled with health and ammo, and are good "safe" vantage points. -I've made it so that monsters cannot enter these areas. But be carefull, they can still fire in through open doors and windows. -> I've implemented all difficulty levels, and the easy mode is really easy because I wanted players to be able to explore, and get a feel for the place before moving to higher difficulty levels. -> And there are 4 deathmatch starts, but this level is far too big for deathmatch play. It will run choppy at first in higher dif- ficulty levels, untill you've killed off a few monsters. You may need a pentium system to play in ultra-violence mode, so I've tried to make the easier modes just as entertaining. One other problem encountered is dissappearing monsters in ultra-violence mode. (Too many sprites to display) This problem cannot be avoided. -> - WARNING! - -> THIS LEVEL IS TOO BIG TO SAVE! If you try to save, the game will crash. Honnors to the guys at id, but this particular problem I am very dissapionted by. This author was lucky enough to have two play testers who dropped by almost daily to give it a try and add comments and suggestions, and who, without their effort, I may not have noticed many problems in game play that needed rectifying. No one survives the town.. at least in ultra-violent mode, although I know that it is emminently playable. There is health ammo and armor in all the buildings. (Clear out all the buildings first, before going for the blue key) -> Much Thanks To Andrue Carr - Play Tester ~~~~~~~~~~~ Jimmy Warren - Play Tester ~~~~~~~~~~~~ AND Ice Cube ~~~~~~~~ Who Designed Icefort.wad - One Incredible Level and who inspired me to try my hand at wad building. And whoever designed NJ_CASTL.WAD. The author ommited his name or handle in the accompanying text file. - Comments/Suggestions Welcome - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet: Max.Thrott@f201.n331.z1.fidonet.org Fidonet: Max Thrott 1:331/201 SL_Net: Max Thrott 250:505/1294 Isgnet: ~0A Max Thrott 91:5/201 - or - OVER BOARD BBS: Max Thrott (508) 693 6279 -> Authors may use this level as a basis for a new wad file. (GOOD LUCK) - as long as they give credit where credit is due. (No one has a copyright on spatial relationships) - nuff said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Max Thrott - -:|:-