THE TRINITY OF DARKNESS Author : Jeff Kunkel Size : 128x128 Tile Set : Forest Solo Play : Yes Multi-Player : No Modified Units : Yes BACKGROUND The news from Quel'Thalas is grim. A small elven village near Alterac has been seized by the Blacktooth Grin Clan. Recent reports also indicate that an outpost of Gryphon Riders in that region has become unexpectedly inactive. To make matters worse, it appears that somehow the Blacktooths have forced the fiercly independent Burning Blades into service. Desperate for information regarding this unexpected turn of events, Uther Lightbringer led a small band of elven rangers into the region. Disaster struck , however, as the band was surprised by a trio of daemons on their way back to Stromgarde. The Lightbringer was captured, and all but one of the rangers were slain. That single ranger, however, managed to make his way to Stromgarde and report on the enemy movements. What that brave elf had to report was disturbing. Gul'dan has delved even deeper into the necromantic arts, and the results are frightening. He has created an even more powerful Death Knight, and has also tapped into the depths of hell to summon a new, fearsome variety of daemon. It is this power that has enabled him to bring both the Blacktooths and the Burning Blades into his fold, and is likely the reason behind the capture of the elven village. The village was the location of a powerful Wizard's Guild, and Gul'dan likely wished to eliminate all magical opposition in the area. Apparently, Gul'dan has created his own dark version of The Runestone, and it is from this that he is gaining his power. Cho'gall and Zuljin have both allied themselves with Gul'dan, perhaps sensing that the ultimate power in the orcish clans will rest with him. It is vital that Gul'dan be stopped. Alone, he is a formidable enemy. With his new necromantic powers and the support of Cho'gall and Zuljin he could easily become unstoppable in a short time. Due to the gravity of the situation, Lothar himself will accompany your Azeroth troops into the Alterac region. Your mission objectives are as follows: 1) Liberate the captured elven village 2) Find out what is keeping the Griffin Riders in the region from their patrols 3) Determine the fate of Uther Lightbringer 4) Find and destroy Gul'dan's new Runestone 5) Eliminate all orcish units in the region You must act quickly, before Gul'dan can consolidate his forces in the region. Any delay could spell disaster for the alliance. A NOTE ON NPC COLORS While all of the above mention clans are represented by the proper colors in this scenario, NPC's have been given unique colors so that they may be easily identified on the battle field. These colors do not represent the NPC's clan affiliations. Lord Lothar - Yellow Uther Lightbringer - White Gul'dan, Cho'gall, and Zuljin - Violet MODIFIED UNITS The following units have been modified from their original statistics: Daemons Death Knights Lothar Uther Lightbringer Gul'dan Cho'gall Zuljin SPECIAL THANKS Thanks to Mike Anthony and Diana Clay, whose input was a great help in improving this scenario for the final version. However, if you two are reading this, don't think that I didn't come up with an improvement or two on my own! FEEDBACK If you have any comments, suggestions, or criticisms about this scenario, please contact me. Your input will serve to improve future scenarios that I design. My E-mail addresses can be found just below. CompuServe : 70524,2010 America OnLine : Chessman Internet :