Warcraft 2 Captured! In this scenerio you have made an alliance with the Stormreaver Clan (blue, orc) As a sign of goodwill they have sent a peon to help you get your town started. But the dangerous Black Tooth Grin Clan is against orcs and humans working with eachother and have captured the enemy peon and are holding him prisoner until he can be executed. There is also rumored to be other prisoners around the area of the peon....save them if you can. If you accomplish this task your next one will be to defend yourself against the attacks of the Black Tooth Grin Clan and eventually destroy them. Note: In this scenerio you can build both orc and human buildings as long as you do not let the blue orc that you rescue get killed because you need him to get gold for you so you can build a peasant. The peon will retrieve gold from the mine and return it to your town hall, and after he does that one time you will have enough money to train a peasant. Unless you upgraded something, like your arrows. I aslo suggest building a great hall with the blue peon so if he gets killed you can make more of them. I hope you have fun with this one. And save often! Later. NaTe