Task Force COMMANDER Free Demo Instructions: -------------------------------------------- This Demo will run on all versions of Windows including Windows 95. TFCDEMIN.ZIP - is a compressed file ZIP file that contains all necessary application program and sample image files in order to setup and run Task Force COMMANDER from your Windows environment. Note: You must have a copy of PKUNZIP.EXE to uncompress this file. It may be download as Freeware compliments of PKWare Inc. if you do not already have it. Step 1. Create a temporary directory of your choice and copy TFCDEMIN.ZIP into that directory. For the purpose of these instructions lets assume you will create a directory named MYTEMP on your C: drive. Step 2. Execute TFCDEMIN.ZIP by clicking on it from your File Manager or Windows Explorer and all required files will be inflated into C:\MYTEMP. Step 3. Click File Run from the Program Manager or Start Run (Windows 95) and enter "C:\MYTEMP\SETUP.EXE Step 4. Follow further instructions on screen to complete the program installation to your Windows environment. Note: Assuming you've installed the Task Force COMMANDER application to a directory other than C:\MYTEMP then you may want to free up disk space by deleting C:\MYTEMP and all files residing within as they will no longer be required. INSTALLATION TROUBLESHOOTING: Here are the two most common problems when installing this Demo application: PROBLEM A. If you get any error message relating to THREED.VBX then follow the instructions below: 1. Using File manager or Explorer locate all occurences of THREED.VBX on your hard drive and rename them to THREED.BAK. In some instances you may have to exit Windows and rename in DOS mode. 2. Exit Windows completely if you have not already done so. 3. Go back into Windows 4. Install the Task Force Demo again (File+Run Setup.exe) 5. Problem should be solved if you followed the instructions. PROBLEM B. If you get any error message stating that a specific with a .DLL extension is in use then simply click the IGNORE button and the installation will continue without any problem.