The GUIDE To Free Software Charlottesville, VA - Owning a computer doesn't require spending a fortune for programs. Software that doesn't cost a dime is available to do most any job, according to Rey Barry who's been running the "Freeware Hall of Fame" since 1989. With so many good free programs for DOS, Windows, and OS/2 you can do practically anything when you know what to look for. Getting them can be free also, taking a few minutes over a phone line. See a program you want to try? You can be running it 5 minutes later. Rey was a real estate broker for 20 years, a quarter of it as chairman of his Board of Realtors computer committee. He's been evaluating software to run realty offices since 1984 and knows software from Bulletin Boards and the Internet can equal anything available in stores, and is far less expensive. Free, in fact, as hundreds of his fellow Realtors will attest. When a virus expert told him he was less likely to get a virus from a BBS than from store-bought software, he was skeptical. So he asked a lot of virus experts and 100% of them said yes, it's true. When he retired, Rey published "The Guide to Free Software," a paperback available by mail. It names and describes 1,743 free programs and tells how to find them -- and a lot more -- on the Internet and on your neighborhood Bulletin Board. It also reveals what the virus experts told him. HOMEPC Magazine (10/95) termed the Guide "worth its weight in gold" and topped its BEST BUYS column with praise for the book. COMPUTER SHOPPER (11/95) called Rey's Freeware "a treasure trove." BBS Magazine (5/95) said Rey has "...the finest utilities and applications available. Many are tools you couldn't find elsewhere at any price." From A to Z they range from anti-virus programs (a top-rated one is Freeware) to back-up programs to ZipCode bulk mail managers. There are loan analyzers, spell checkers (the best!), legal forms, schedule planners, software to create multi-media presentations, modem control software, HTML editors to create your own World Wide Web advertising (a FreeHOF specialty,) network utilities, computer diagnostics, conversion programs galore, and 100+ programs to manage on-line services including the Internet. Databases include the entire world's telephone area codes; songs and composers; up-to-the-minute tour guides to assist in travel and possible retirement; the current U.S. Census and past censuses back to 1630; the amazingly detailed CIA Atlas analyzing every country in the world -- and much more. Who publishes free software? The government, companies and individuals. For example, Microsoft and IBM issue free programs and both are included in the Guide. Programmers are often at the top of the profession, and Freeware can reflect the highest level of concept, execution, and documentation. The Guide has three parts. One lists specific programs in 105 categories. The second lists more than 1,000 Freeware authors. And don't skip the important Introduction. It tells how to find the programs on neighborhood Bulletin Boards and on the Internet. We list key Internet addresses to locate programs. Added bonus: expert advice on viruses and trojans. Follow it and you'll never see one. Order the GUIDE from the Freeware Hall of Fame 1561 Dairy Road Charlottesville, VA 22903-1303. Shipping and VA tax included in the price of $20 US or the current exchange equivalent in other currency.