THE ONLY WEB PUBLISHING TUTORIAL YOU'LL EVER NEED Ver. 1.0 Copyright (c)1996 BC ENTERPRISES All rights reserved. Released to the public as shareware on 3/1/96 >>> If you are installing this program from WINDOWS '95 -simply click on the INSTALL.EXE file located in this archive, or choose RUN from the Start Menu and use the BROWSE button to locate the INSTALL.EXE file. The program itself runs in DOS, but will shell out appropriately, install the program files where you want, and create an icon in the Start Menu for you. NOTE: when the program first installs and extracts the program files, it will do so in a DOS window, and does not automatically close. This is the default for Win '95. Close it yourself when it completes with the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window. After that, the program will begin to run in another DOS window. Enlarge the window, and use your down arrow to choose EXIT THIS PROGRAM from the main menu. Then, once the icon is created in the Start Menu, click the icon to highlight it, and edit the PROPERTIES. Doing this procedure in Windows '95 will allow you to choose the program from the Start Menu and have it shell out full-screen in DOS. Here's how-----> To get to the icon's Properties: Once the icon is colorized (selected), you can either 1. Hold down the ALT key and press the ENTER key 2. Hold down the ALT key and double-left-click with your mouse 3. Right-click and choose the last item, PROPERTIES. Now, edit the properties as follows: 1. Click the PROGRAM tab, and at the bottom, select "CLOSE ON EXIT" That way when you end the program, it will hop right back into Windows and close itself. 2. Select "MAXIMIZED" from the RUN selection box. 3. Now click the SCREEN tab, and select "FULL SCREEN" changing these minor elements in this program and in many others will simplify running under Win '95 [If you are using an alternate shell such as Norton Navigator, Dashboard, or other replacement, the install program may not work. In that event, revert to the native '95 shell and try again]