Very soluble in water; no change in pH. Insoluble in ether. 1348 A neutral, probably polyhydroxy compound. Solvent is deuterated water with TSP. The peak near 4.8 ppm is HOD. ÿrR %uοĽbN\xRoknl # Water solubility and spectrum indicates a polar (polyhydroxy ?) compound. # dummy ms # # # # # None of the extra elements were detected. 212531353941424349264048 Nitrogen, sulfur and halogen containing compounds are absent. Burnt with a clear flame leaving no residue. # A saturated covalent organic compound. 101-104 degrees. # Typical of many organic compounds. Nujul mull '&%%%%%%$$$$$#$#$###"########$%&&')+04=FQa|¿|xwtxϹt^TNKIIIJJIHIIJIHGGEBA?>==<;:87777756543221130///...--,,++++++++**)*)*)(''''''&&%$$#########################"""!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! """"""!!!"# ###$%&&&&&%%$$##""""""####$%&')*+,-03;@Tzthgk{xsr|vi`olZROPPMHKUnkZWVPMNIA<758BINkupjwndcrϽ˵~m]NE@R20{lQ<2*&&%9S>'! !#)2FXN9($#%)7L`WD=H^e>20../156;DGBDFHJKIFDB@=;