ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ This file contains general installation notes and IMPORTANT information on upgrading previous versions of DOSSBOSS ¯¯¯ Contents ®®® 1. Installation & Running of DOSSBOSS For New Users 2. The DOSSBOSS Files 3. Installation Procedure When Upgrading 4. Information You May Lose When Doing an Upgrade ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±± 1. Installation & Running of DOSSBOSS For New Users ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Installation Procedure for new DOSSBOSS users... * Copy ALL 20 DOSSBOSS files (listed in next section) to a subdirectory (not a root directory) from which you want to run DOSSBOSS. * Switch to that drive and directory and run the SETUP.EXE program. Choice of subdirectory: It is also recommended to install DOSSBOSS on your most frequently used & accessed drive. Why? Generally, when you switch drives in DOSSBOSS, the directory window will simply show you the root and its first level directories of the drive you switch to. However, for the drive in which you install DOSSBOSS itself (say the C: drive), the state of the directory tree is saved between switching on & off of that drive. Therefore whenever you return to the drive on which DOSSBOSS was installed, the directory tree will appear just as it was when you last accessed that drive. CONFIG.SYS & AUTOEXEC.BAT files: * It is recommended to set (or add) the FILES command in your CONFIG.SYS file to at least 15 files (e.g. FILES=15 ). * You may want to add the directory where you installed DOSSBOSS to your DOS PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This will allow you to start up DOSSBOSS from any directory. Running DOSSBOSS: Once you have installed or upgraded DOSSBOSS, you should ALWAYS start DOSSBOSS by running the BOSS.BAT file. Once in DOSSBOSS take time to run the 'Welcome' and 'Basic Information' tools. They will give you the basic information you need to start finding your way around in the world of DOSSBOSS! Moving DOSSBOSS to another directory after installation: You may move all the DOSSBOSS files to another directory at any time, but you must rerun the SETUP.EXE from that new directory before DOSSBOSS will work from there! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±± 2. The DOSSBOSS Files ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The 20 files included with DOSSBOSS are: ALLDIRS.EXE Utility for traversing a directory tree. BOSSKEY.COM Utility for passing keystrokes to programs. BOSSVIEW.EXE File Viewing utility. BOSSYSNO.COM Useful Batch file utility for getting user input. DBFIX.EXE Used to fix corrupted initialization files. DBOSSI.ICO Windows Icon DBOSSTLS.SYS Copy of System Tools for version 4.0. DB_ACTS.TXT Used by one of the tools supplied with DOSSBOSS. DB_JOBS!.DAT File containing job scheduling information. DB_MAIN.EXE Called by BOSS.BAT DB_PAGES.DAT File containing page information. DB_TOOLS.DAT File containing tool information. DB_WELC.TXT Text file used by 'Welcome' Tool. DOSSBOSS.DOC Main DOSSBOSS manual. FEATURES.TXT Text file explaining the Features of DOSSBOSS HISTORY.TXT List of changes in latest versions of DOSSBOSS MUSTREAD.ME! A 'Must Read' file to get started. REGISTER.FRM Form to use for registering DOSSBOSS. SETUP.EXE The DOSSBOSS Setup Utility SETUP.TXT Text file containing installation information and important information for those upgrading. If DOSSBOSS is distributed to others, ALL the above files must be included in their original form and with their original names (and no other files can be added). When you run the SETUP utility a number of other files will be created, however these additional files may not be distributed to others. The additional files created by the SETUP utility are: BOSS.BAT Used to run DOSSBOSS BOSSX.BAT Used by BOSS.BAT DB_INIT1.DAT Initialization file. DB_STACK.DAT File for Command Stack data. DB_TODO.DAT File containing to-do-list information. NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE ANY OF THE FILE NAMES!! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±± 3. Installation Procedure When Upgrading ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you are upgrading from an earlier version of DOSSBOSS, you have 2 choices: 1. simply upgrade your version of DOSSBOSS in the directory where you previously installed DOSSBOSS. 2. install version 4.0 in a new directory to check it out first before updating your previous version. The latter option (#2) is highly recommended if you are a registered user of a version PRIOR to v3.x. This is because when you update to a new version of DOSSBOSS you become an unregistered user again until you re-register (at the reduced upgrade price) and get a new registration id number (your old one won't work anymore)! Thus you will again be subject to the limitations that the unregistered version of DOSSBOSS places on you. Note, however, that if you are currently using a DOSSBOSS 3.x version, you need not reregister; your v3.x registration information will work for v4.0. Therefore it is best to install this new version in a totally separate directory. Then try it out and if you like what you see, register the new version by filling in the form in the REGISTER.FRM file and mailing it in. Then keep using your old version until you receive your new registration id number in the mail. Once you do decide its time to upgrade your old version, if you want to avoid losing any pages, tools, jobs, to-do list items or your DOS stack which you created while using the old version of DOSSBOSS, you must follow the following procedure: * These 5 files should exist within your current DOSSBOSS directory: DB_PAGES.DAT (your pages) DB_TOOLS.DAT (your tools) DB_JOBS!.DAT (your jobs) DB_TODO.DAT (your to-do-list) DB_STACK.DAT (your DOS command stack) Rename them to... DB_PAGES.OLD DB_TOOLS.OLD DB_JOBS!.OLD DB_TODO.OLD DB_STACK.OLD This is easiest done by entering the following DOS command from your DOSSBOSS directory... copy db_*.dat *.old * Now Copy ALL new DOSSBOSS v4.0 (listed in section 1) to your DOSSBOSS directory (thereby overwriting your old files). Be careful not to erase the *.OLD files you just created! * Switch to your DOSSBOSS directory and run the SETUP.EXE program. * Now start up DOSSBOSS (using the BOSS.BAT) file. * Take a few moments to look at or run some of the new tools provided with DOSSBOSS v4.0 * When you decide its time to restore your old set of pages, tools, to-do-list items & jobs, run the 'GET *.OLD DATA' tool found on the 'DATA' page! This tool will retrieve all your data for you! It's a good idea to enter your registration information into DOSSBOSS and to restore the video mode to 43 or 50 rows if that is what you were using previously, BEFORE restoring your old data files! Important Notes: * Do not try to re-use any of the other files (especially not the old initialization files called DB_INIT1.DAT)! * If you are planning to save & re-use your to-do-list file AND you are a registered user of version 2.5 or earlier, make sure you read the next section which contains information for making your to-do-list file compatible with v4.0 !! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³±± 4. Information You May Lose When Doing an Upgrade... ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ When doing an upgrade from a previous version, some information will be lost and need to be re-entered manually. How much information needs to be re-entered depends on how old your previous version of DOSSBOSS was! What follows is a list of things you will need to do after upgrading to prevent any loss of information... 1. Number of Screen Rows & Upgrading If you have your DOSSBOSS display set to 43 or 50 rows and you do an upgrade, the FIRST command you should run when you start DOSSBOSS again is the 'Row' command found under the 'System' command menu to set your row value back to what it was. This will avoid the possible loss of any tool references on your pages! 2. If you are upgrading from version 3.0 or later... * Function key assignments and bookmark settings will be lost & need to be re-entered. 3. If you are upgrading from version 2.5 or earlier... * DOSSBOSS will replace all the system tools in your tool file with new system tools. Therefore any changes you made to the system tools will be lost & need to be remade. * Function key assignments will also be lost. * Any tools which used the SYS_ALLDIRx tools will now need to set the variable %o to a single letter or digit BEFORE calling SYS_ALLDIRS1. See section on 'Traversing Directories' in the manual. * Because of the different type of menu system used in versions later than 2.5, the 'Run-Menu-Command' tool command is no longer available to you. DOSSBOSS will no longer recognize this command when it is found in a tool. * Your To-Do list will NOT be compatible with version 4.0 of DOSSBOSS! The file format of the to-do list was changed slightly so that the to-do list could be printed out in a nice format (using the 'Print To-Dos' tool found on the 'Utilitys' page). If your to-do list is small, the easiest thing to do is simply to replace your to-do-list file withe the one that comes with v4.0 & re-enter all your to-do list items again. However, if your to-do list is large (or you simply don't feel like re-typing it all in), you can make the file compatible with DOSSBOSS v4.0 fairly easily. Simply follow these steps: a) Open the file DB_TODO.DAT using an ascii text editor (however, do not use the DOS full screen editor 'EDIT', because it converts tab stops into spaces!). Don't use a fancy word processor that is going to add all sorts of formatting information to the file when you save it again. b) Each to-do item takes up one line, with the priority listed in the first column and the actual item in columns 2-56. To make the file compatible with DOSSBOSS v4.0 you must insert a single tab character in column 2 of every line (make sure you are in insert mode when you do this, and not in over-write mode). The last line of the file is a null line. Do not edit or remove that line!! c) Save the updated file. Make sure you made no changes other than that specified in step b) above!! Your to-do list will now work fine with DOSSBOSS v4.0