POW - What's New ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ v2.0 - 6 Jan 96 ŻŻŻŻ Toolbar for Editor User selected fonts extended to include all controls and View Screen Character conversion for high ASCII chars in a Windows ANSI font Check that all chosen fonts exist Mixed case Internet addresses now allowed Empty Subject field now allowed Add, Replace & Delete in Tagline Options Delete in Signatures dialog Multiple Folders directories via command line Custom Installation - VBXs & DLLs put in POW dir, option for Windows/System Insert key shows msg Index (Message List) Advanced Options section added to General Options dialog Detects POW already running & prevents running 2nd copy Win95 detected and small adjustments made Help buttons added to various dialogs Docs/Help improved Registrations now handled directly by author v1.20 - 2 Nov 94 ŻŻŻŻŻ File Requests Allow for extra long Internet messages Option to run PKZIP/PKUNZIP as icon. Option to skip closing window (the "Thanks for using POW" one) Change to Upper/Lower case of marked text facility in Editor. Tagline selection - Default, Preset, Sticky, Sequential, Random. DOS type printing, using default printer font, bypass Win print Left Margin for printing ˙ chars removed from Subject in header. Re: chopped off Subject in MsgList, thus sorts better & no "Re: " All Dirs except Temp can now be Root (eg E:\) Remove excess blank lines from end of msg. Check for tearline when importing txt file into editor. "Enable Edit" on Edit Menu (Temp config - not saved to INI) Added warning for too big MESSAGES.DAT, returning to QWK Open. Stop saving msgs when Folders database full, preventing fatal error. Added warning for Folders database nearly full. Internet reply - get Subject: line from original & copy to reply Long Internet Subjects catered for. Internet Newsgroups supported Put date of QWK pkt in caption Group Messages feature - Conf & Name in recipient list text file. Show Information about the BBS. (Name, Location, Phone, Sysop, ID) UserName saved in INI for Personal msg beep in Folders with no QWK open Disabled "From me" beep in REPLIES Folder Improved Exit checks for edited msg - Cancel unload editor, cancels Exit Error and Warning Messages added to docs/help Ability to skip Corrupted or Empty msg and continue Longer conference names allowed for when reading messages v1.10 - 4 June 94. ŻŻŻŻŻ Automatic (or Manual) Installation File Attachments QMail door Add/Drop/Reset conf support Option to Beep on Personal msgs (To/From) Option to skip msgs already read Option to return to Conf/Folder List or continue (with/without beep) Improved Internet EMail support ("To:" line in reply, etc.) see ReadMe.TXT Advanced Options, including Quoting style and QWK pkt management Insert added to File Menu in Editor - merge text file into msg Search & Replace in Editor Reformat selected text in Editor Improved spelling checker now included with POW REP Index List format changed to show more relevant info Improved spacebar msg navigation Automatic ANSIART option for msg reading POW - v2.0 QWK mail reader for Windows. Copyright (c) 1993-96 Gina Davis & GD Custom Software. All rights reserved.