IceBerg V 2.00 A REXX script for GTirc Written by Stephen Berg (C)1996 - Stephen Berg Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Disclaimer 3. Installation 4. Usage 5. Commands 5a. General Commands 5b. Shortened/enhanced versions of normal IRC commands 5c. Message logger commands 5d. Silly commands 5e. Accessible OS/2 commands 5f. Split Finder commands 5g. Access commands for OS2bot on EFNet 5h. Command notes 5i. Other Commands/Features 6. Miscellaneous 6a. Start up commands 6b. IrcRexxWildCard 7. New in version 2.00 8. Future Plans 9. Credits 10. Contacts ******************************************************* * 1. Introduction: * ******************************************************* Thank you for looking at IceBerg. This script was written with two distinct goals in mind. To customize and enhance the GTirc Internet Relay Chat client and to provide me with a learning tool for REXX programming. It has been ideal for both purposes. IceBerg is a first generation product. While I did look at other UNIX based IRC scripts for ideas, the bulk of the IceBerg script is my own creation, with two exceptions. The message logging portion was written by someone else who went by the nick of "Wease", I've included some info about him in the credits section at the end of this document. I've changed this portion to save the messages to a file instead of memory. This is so even in between GTirc sessions your log of messages will be saved. It also solved one problem that I had with the original code in previous versions of IceBerg. Armin Kunaschik contributed the original XDCC script. I rewrote it to intergrate it a bit more smoothly with IceBerg but the original idea and code is his. I did get a couple of other ideas from various people in the newsgroups and on IRC itself concerning the mechanics of the REXX code. But the final code is mine. IceBerg is POSTCARD-ware. That means it's free of charge, $0.00, here for the taking, up for grabs, or whatever you want to call it. I do ask that if you're using it, drop me an E-Mail (Address is at the end of this document) and let me know what you think. ******************************************************* * 2. Disclaimer: * ******************************************************* (That silly legal stuff) OK, as I said in the Introduction section this script was written partly as a learning tool for me. Which means I am in no way an expert in REXX. The entire code is here for you to see, change, use or not use. I will *NOT* be held responsible if your machine blows up, if your Internet Provider disconnects you, if your significant other/wife/husband leaves you, if the IRS audits you or anything else bad happens to you by fault or not in this set of scripts. That's why it's free. And by using these scripts you fully and without reservation accept these terms. If you don't accept, then don't run these scripts, it won't effect my paycheck either way. =:-) ******************************************************* * 3. Installation: * ******************************************************* Well if you're reading this you've probably managed to un-zip the archive file. Place at least the three main files in your GTirc subdirectory. Next define the three files in the "Options" --> "Preferences" dialog of GTirc. Startup Command would be "/run icestart.txt", "Input Message Script" would be IBergMsg.CMD and "Output Command Script" would be "IBergCmd.CMD". That gets you up and running right away, no re-booting the machine, no re-loading GTirc, none of that nonsense. You may want to issue a "/run icestart.txt" command to set the variables in there that IceBerg uses in it's operation. Aside from that, once you click on the "OK" button you are ready to roll. To use the autoop and XDCC feature you'll also need the "autoop.lst" and "filelist.txt" files in the GTirc directory. ******************************************************* * 4. Usage: * ******************************************************* Using IceBerg is simple, most of the commands are either shortened versions of the normal IRC commands, or command names that you may be used to from other IRC scripts. I may have used a different name for a command from what you're used to. Probably cause I haven't used the same scripts as you, =:-). While running IceBerg you can type in "/icehelp", "/icehelp2" or "/msghelp" to view the help screens. The "icestart.txt" file contains some commands to set up up flags that IceBerg relys on for it's use. Changing some of the "/iceberg ....." commands in this file will cause IceBerg to behave erratically, and I wouldn't suggest it. You can change the default awaymsg by simply editing the "icestart.txt" file. Read the GTirc help on how to use text files and the "/RUN" command for further info. First thing I would suggest that you do once you have these scripts loaded is to start GTirc, and run "/icehelp", "/icehelp2" and "/msghelp". That will display some help screens on what commands are available, their syntax and a brief description. ******************************************************* * 5. Commands: * ******************************************************* - means a required parameter [XXXX] - means an optional parameter 5a. General Commands /iceberg [value] query the value of or change a global GTirc REXX variable /whom Get VERSION & USERINFO about nick /idle Get idle time for nick /icehelp displays brief help statements for IceBerg commands (this is mostly the functional, practical stuff) /icehelp2 displays brief help statements for IceBerg commands not in /icehelp /msghelp displays brief help statements for the IceBerg message logging functions /dw does a who on the hostname or IP address, placing an "*" at the beginning and end to do a wildcard who on that domain /wall <#channel> sends a msg to every visible occupant of #channel (** See Note 1 **) /wallop <#channel> sends a msg to every visible channel op of #channel (** See Note 1 **) /xdccadv Sends notices announcing the files you have made available via the XDCC function. (** See Note 2**) /cstat <#channel> get and diplay statistics on the specified channel 5b. Shortened versions of normal IRC commands /k [reason] performs a kick on nick, with a reason if one is specified /kb <#channel> [reason] sets a ban for #channel against nick then kicks nick from #channel for reason /j <#channel> joins #channel /q starts a private query with /lv [#channel] leaves current channel or the specified channel /not notice the target nick or channel with text (see note 3) /t [new topic] sets the current channel's topic, without arguments it will display the topic /wi does a whois on nick /ww does a whowas on nick /inv invites nick to current channel /cm [[+|-] modes] adds or subtracts mode settings for the current channel, with no parameters it retrieves and displays the current channels modes /um <+|- modes> changes your user modes 5c. Message logger commands /reset clears and resets the message buffer (** See Note 2 **) /play displays the messages saved /playlong displays the messages saved showing the message originators full address instead of just their nick /msgchk displays the current number of messages stored in the buffer /gone [away message] marks you to being away with the optional away message and turns message logging on. If no away message is specified the default "awaymsg" in "icestart.txt" is used (see "/awaymsg") /back turns off message logging, displays the messages in the buffer as if /last had been run, and unmarks you as being away /awaymsg [away message] checks or sets the default away message 5d. Silly commands (I had to add a few of these!) /crypt encrypt and send text to the current channel. Other GTirc users that have IceBerg will get an automatic decryption of the text everyone else will most likely see junk. (This is in *NO* way un- breakable code) /revsay reverses the text string and sends it to the current channel or query /revmsg same as /revsay, but in a msg to nick /revme once again, but sends it as a /me command to the current channel or query 5e. Accessible OS/2 commands /nsl runs an "NSLOOKUP" command on the hostname or IP, and returns the result to the GTirc window /host runs a "HOST" command on the hostname or IP, and returns the result to the GTirc window /osping runs a "PING" command to the hostname or IP, (using two, 25 byte packets) and returns the result to the GTirc window /ossend runs command and sends the result to the current channel or query this does ignore any blank lines when it sends the results to the channel (see note 4) /osmsg same as /ossend but sends the results to nick in a /msg /exec runs an OS/2 command and returns the result to the GTirc window 5f. Split Finder commands /getservers get a listing of all currently present servers from your current server. This does not need to be run each time you want to find any split servers, IceBerg saves this file and updates it when you run the /findsplit or /addnew command (see note 5a) /findsplit gets a listing of all currently present servers, then compares that to "servers.lst" to find any split servers and displays the split servers in the control window (see note 5b) /addnew find and add any servers currently listed in the "current.lst" file, generated by /findsplit, that do not appear in "servers.lst" to "servers.lst" and displays those new servers in the control window (see note 5b) 5g. Access commands to OS2bot on EFNet /calc send a calc message to OS2Bot on #OS/2 (EFNet) the string will be evaluated for a value and the value will be returned. (Try "/calc ssgt" or "/calc ibm") /phone send a message to OS2Bot on #OS/2 (EFNet) the string will be evaluated for a value and the value will be returned. This does lookups of phone numbers for companies involved with OS/2 (Try "/phone novastor" or "/phone ibm") 5h. Command notes (Note 1) - The /wall and /wallop commands may be used from inside or outside a channel. When outside a channel it will not be able to see any users that have set the (+i, or invisible) mode for themselves. Abuse of these commands will usually get you kicked and/or banned from channels. Excessive abuse may get you K-lined from servers. ** You've been warned, so don't blame me when you get banned from a ** ** channel or K-lined from a server. ** (Note 2) - This is another thing that can be obnoxious if abused depending on the channel you happen to be in. And if you have a large number of files offered, it could possibly get you disconnected by your server due to the fact that it may mistake the output as a flood. (Note 3) - The /NOT command is not a short version of /NOTIFY. This is just a version of the /notice command. The /NOTICE command is not supported in GTirc at this time. Incoming notices from other users are handled as private messages. I have tried to fix this, but it tends to mess up other functions in GTirc, so I left it alone. (Note 4) - This can generate quite a bit of text to be sent to the channel or query one line at a time depending on the command you are issuing. It can cause you to be kicked from channels, and possibly disconnected from your server due to excess flooding being detected. If you're unsure how much data is going to be returned, run the command using the "/exec" command first since that displays the result only to you. (Note 5a) - Only run "/getservers" if your "servers.lst" has become corrupted or lost. I have included the "servers.lst" that I have with the IceBerg distribution. If you're running this on UnderNet it won't be of much help to you, since it lists EFNet servers. I'm currently thinking about how to support multiple nets with this function. (Note 5b) - Running "/findsplit" will show you any servers in "servers.lst" that do not appear on the net at that time. It will then run "/addnew" which will find any new servers that do not appear in "servers.lst", it will display the servers name and add it to the "servers.lst" file. 5i. Other Commands/Features Auto-Op: By setting the Auto-Op feature using "/iceberg autoop on", you will enable the Auto-Op feature in IceBerg. Auto-Op uses the file, "autoop.lst" as a list of people you wish to automatically give ops to in particular channels. Each line in this file represents one user and one channel. (An example is included with IceBerg.) XDCC: I've included a sample file "filelist.txt" that the XDCC feature uses to determine what files are available to the rest of the IRC world. The syntax is very simple, "filename description". Filename can be a fully qualified pathname, and description can be any string of words but they both *MUST* be on one line for things to work properly. ******************************************************* * 6. Miscellaneous * ******************************************************* 6a. Start up commands I'm working on a scheme to set up an initial set of start up commands instead of using the "icestart.txt" file. This is due to the fact that GTirc runs any defined Startup Command any time you connect to a server, instead of just at the initial program start. 6b. IrcRexxWildCard I finally figured out how to utilize the IrcRexxWildCard() function that GTirc provides. It is used in the autoop feature. Basically if you are familiar with wildcard use in the IRC environment for matching, it provides that whereas doing it in REXX is difficult and somewhat slow. I'm gonna look into my scripts a bit more closely on possibly making better use of this feature. For the autoop.lst file to properly match a user, the user entry must be properly formatted. (Ex: "*sberg@*") IceBerg uses this to match against the JOIN message. If it matches and the channel matches, then a mode +o for the user is sent. Note: It won't work too well if you're not opped yourself. =:-) ******************************************************* * 7. New in Version 2.00 * ******************************************************* This version adds support for XDCC functions. Credits to Armin Kunaschik for the code. Basically a listing of files that you wish to make available to anyone is contained in a text file, people can then message you with XDCC requests. These requests can be to list the available files, send a particular file or to send help on the XDCC function. Also an /xdccadv command is added to advertise that you have XDCC capability and what files are available. The autoop feature now makes use of GTirc's IrcRexxWildCard matching feature. So if you have people you wish to autoop that are on a dynamic IP address/hostname it is much easier to set up now. Added in a /phone command to get company phone numbers from OS2Bot on EFNet. Changed the message logger feature to utilize file storage of the messages instead of memory. This makes your message log survive even if you shut down and restart GTirc and also fixed the problem of initializing the logger at startup in version 1.10. Changed the "/last" to "/play" for playback of the stored messages. Added a "/playlong" to playback the messages but display the full user id of whoever sent the message instead of just a nickname. A simple kick command is replacing the joke kicks from previous versions. A kickban routine is now implemented for banning and then kicking a user from a channel. Syntax for /kb is: "/kb <#channel> [reason]" A "/q" command for quick starting a query with another user. Some of the CTCP responses were replying to the requestor with a private message. These should be done with a notice according to RFC1459. I have added in support for CTCP responses using my "/not" command to accomplish this. If you are concerned with complying with RFC1459, do not define any CTCP Options in GTirc. Change the "*resp" strings in my ibergmsg.cmd script to personalize the ones that I handle. Leave the beginning and ending smiley face characters as they are, this how GTirc and other IRC clients identify CTCP messages. My script handles them, and then passes them on to GTirc, so if you do define CTCP Options this problem will appear. (NOTE: It probably won't hurt if you do but it is possible to get stuck in a loop with someone elses script if these features are used.) The CTCP USERINFO option does not show this undesired behavior regardless of whether or not you have a CTCP Option defined so I left it alone. ******************************************************* * 8. Future Plans: * ******************************************************* I have a few more ideas that I need some time to work out the REXX code for that I plan to add into IceBerg. I have heard that there is a planned release sometime around spring 96 of GTirc V2.00. From what I have heard (take that with a grain of salt) that there will be some changes that may effect how the REXX scripts need to be written. Hopefully it'll be simple changes that I can implement easily. If you have any ideas that you would like to see implemented in IceBerg send me an E-mail and I'll definitely look into it. Right now I'm gonna stop developing IceBerg until I get GTirc 2.00 installed and running and can see what (if any) changes in these scripts will be necessary. ******************************************************* * 9. Credits: * ******************************************************* Message logger - Greg Spath (Wease on the IRC) his web page is: XDCC code - Armin Kunaschik General Ideas and his constant bugging me to get it done - Profx on IRC in #os/2 (author of Intercom for OS/2) General REXX advice - RajV on IRC in #os/2 Topham on IRC in #os/2 Lots of others on IRC Quite a few people on Usenet in comp.lang.rexx Quite a few people on various REXX mailing lists ******************************* * !! THANKS TO YOU ALL !! * ******************************* ******************************************************* * 10. Contacts * ******************************************************* I can be found on IRC usually on EFNet using "SSgt" as a nick. For E-Mail, works. If you have suggestions *please* E-Mail them to me, that way I can keep an archive on what suggestions I've looked at/worked on/added in, and I can also keep track of who suggested what.