15:35 15/01/96 README.TXT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT !!! BibNotes and its installation program need VBRUN300.DLL and MSAJT110.DLL If these DLL don't take place on your hard disk (\WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory), they can be downloaded from Microsoft Windows Shareware Forum (GO WINSHARE) on CompuServe (keyword: VBRUN300 or MSAJT110). WHY ? The two DLL take up more of 450 Ko in a Zip file. Furthermore, we often have one or another in our SYSTEM directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Copy the unzipped files on your \TEMP directory (or somewhere else) or on a floppy disk. Launch SETUP.EXE. Normally, SETUP installs BibNotes in C:\GEK directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT !!! The users of Windows 3.1 or 3.11 must load SHARE.EXE in memory. The installation program can add the appropriate line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION : 1 - Register by Compuserve (GO SWREG, # 9432). Price : US$ 25. The registered version will be sent by Email. 2 - Send a check of FF 120 (french francs) with your name and adress to : GEK ProSoft 24 Avenue des Noieries 44240 LA CHAPELLE/ERDRE FRANCE The registered version will be sent by traditional mail, on a 3" 1/2 disk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER : This program is supplied "as is" without warranty as to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this program is assumed by you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------