Bible Verse On Startup (B.V.O.S.) version 1.0 Copyright (C) 1996 David Cummings All Rights Reserved *** Installation *** Unzip the file BVOS10.ZIP and run BVOS.EXE. *** Requirements *** B.V.O.S version 1.0 requires at least Windows 3.1. *** Documentation *** For documentation press the ABOUT button. *** List Of Files *** B.V.O.S. version 1.0 package contains the following files: README.TXT introductory information BVOS.EXE required executable CTL3DV2.DLL required for 3-D dialogs in Win 3.1 or 3.11 BVOS.HLP windows help file FILE_ID.DIZ brief description for bulletin boards (BBS) WORDS.DAT free trial 30 bible verses ###