GENEDIT - Generalized Editor - Version 1.0 By Leo J. Beadle User's Guide History/Purpose I wrote GENEDIT in response to a need I had at my job to change users configurations without physically going to their machine. Many changes administrators need to make are simply in the autoexec.bat, config.sys, or one of the windows INI files. All of these are plain text and anyone with any knowledge of a text editor can make simple changes. The problem is that many of our users are not comfortable enough to even use a simple editor like EDIT.COM. So I figured if I could edit the files when they logon via a logon script I could save everyone some grief. Hence GENEDIT was born. It has evolved over the last couple of years and through the urging of some friends I have decided to make it available as shareware to the rest of the world. I hope you find it as useful as I have these past few years. As I have already alluded to, the purpose is to make changes to DOS text files via a one line command. In the description of the usage of the commands I give examples showing this utility. Syntax/Usage The basic syntax of execution is as follows: GENEDIT FILENAME FUNCTION [Parm1 Parm2 Parm3 Parm4] where FILENAME is the text file you want to edit. It is best to include the entire path and drive so you won't have to be in the directory where the file resides. FUNCTION is the operation you want performed. Add, Delete, Replace Lines, Change strings, or Find string occurrences. [Parm1 Parm2 Parm3 Parm4] is the strings passed to the program depending on the function chosen. This is best explained on a case by case basis. NOTE1: Since a blank is used to delimit parms/functions embedded spaces are NOT allowed in any of the parameters. Use a tilde(~) where you intend a space and it will be converted to space before any operation is performed. NOTE2: In order to specify a string that contains DOS redirection use a $G or $O for DOS output redirection and a $L or $I for DOS input redirection. These symbols are replaced with '>' or '<' prior to any operation is performed. NOTE3: In order to specify a string that contains DOS environment variables such as %PATH% use $P for the percent sign. (i.e. $ppath$p) The $p will be replaced with % before any operation is performed. LINE LEVEL FUNCTIONS: Function A - To add a new line to the file. Parm1 - The new line to add. This is the minimum required for this function. If no other parms are specified, the line is added at the bottom of the file. If Parm2 is specified it must be one of three things: 1) BOF - for bottom of file (default) 2) TOF - for top of file or 3) id_text - text string which uniquely identifies a line in the file that the new line will be added before or after. If Parm3 is specified it must be A or B for after or before with after(A) being the default. Examples: GENEDIT c:\autoexec.bat a set~temp=c:\temp bof (adds the line "set temp=c:\temp" to autoexec as the last line in the file) GENEDIT c:\autoexec.bat a set~temp=c:\temp (same as previous (bof is the default)) GENEDIT c:\autoexec.bat a set~temp=c:\temp c:\windows\net~start a (adds the line after the line "c:\windows\net start") GENEDIT c:\autoexec.bat a set~temp=c:\temp c:\windows\netstart (same as previous (a - after is default) note also that spaces/case is not relevant on the search spaces are removed and lines converted to all caps before the match is attempted) GENEDIT c:\autoexec.bat a set~temp=c:\temp c:\windows\net~start b (adds line before the line c:\windows\net start) Function R - To replace a line with a another line. Parm1 - identifies the line to be replaced with Parm2. If Parm3 is specified, values of 'II','IC','SC', and 'SI' are allowed with 'II' being the default. Their meanings/uses are as follows: 'II' - Ignore spaces and case. If the phrases in Parm1 are found in the same order regardless of the number of spaces or case, the line is replaced with Parm2. 'IC' - Ignore spaces, preserve case. If the phrases in Parm1 are found in the same order regardless of the number of spaces but preserving case, the line is replaced with Parm2. 'SC' - Preserve spacing and case. This is the exact match option. The Parm1 has to be found exactly as is with no alterations in order for it to be replaced with Parm2. 'SI' - Preserve spacing, ignore case. If Parm1 is found regardless of case but using the same spacing, it is replaced with Parm2 Parm4 may optionally be specified to limit the number of times the line is replaced. The default is '*' which means every line that qualifies is replaced. Specify a number to limit the replacement to the first n matching lines. NOTE: This is an entire line operation. You cannot use this function to change part of a line to something else. Use the 'C' function instead. Examples: GENEDIT c:\config.sys R device=c:\dos\himem.sys device=c:\windows\himem.sys (replaces memory manager line to use windows version instead of DOS) GENEDIT c:\config.sys R DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE~RAM~/X=C800-CBFF... DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386~NOEMS~/X=C800-CBFF SC 1 (changes the expanded memory manager line to not use EMS services. This line uses strict spacing and case sensitivity. It also changes only the first occurrence. What if the user has two spaces after RAM and before the exclusion? The answer is that the match will fail and the line will not be replaced. Be careful when using strict space and case requirements.) Function D - To delete a line or lines. Parm1 is the identifying text that locates the line to be deleted. Parm2 is equivalent to Parm3 on function 'R' above. In other words it is the space/case switch. Parm3 is equivalent to Parm4 on function 'R' above. In other words it is the number of lines switch. Examples: GENEDIT c:\windows\system.ini D emmexclude=A000-FFFF (deletes every line that says emmexclude=A000-FFFF regardless of case or spacing. A better way to delete the emmexclude line is to use DP with just emmexclude= so that you get the line no matter what the exclude region the user has specified) Functions AP,RP,DP Correspond to the Add, Replace, Delete functions above with the looser 'partial' match option. For example, if you want to add a line after the path statement in the autoexec, you probably don't know everyone's exact path line, so use the AP and specify the id_text as "PATH=". The first line GENEDIT finds with path= will match and the line will be added after/before that line. Take this same logic for Replace/Delete and you have RP and DP. STRING LEVEL FUNCTIONS Function C - To change text within lines. Parm1 is the text you want replaced with Parm2. Parms 3 and 4 allow you to perform the replacement only if the two strings are found on the same line. If Parm3/4 are not specified, every occurrence is replaced. This change is *NOT* case sensitive. Use CC for case sensitive changes. Example: GENEDIT c:\autoexec.bat C \\prtsrvr\prt1 \\PRTSRVR\PRT2 net use (changes the string \\prtsrvr\prt1 to \\PRTSRVR\PRT2 if the two words 'net' and 'use' are also found on the line. The case of \\prtsrvr\prt1 is not restricted. Every line containing the match will be changed.) Function CC - To change text within lines preserving case. Same as C with case sensitivity. Example: GENEDIT c:\autoexec.bat CC \\prtsrvr\prt1 \\PRTSRVR\PRT2 (changes the string \\prtsrvr\prt1 to \\PRTSRVR\PRT2 if the first string is found exactly as specified. All lines containing matches will have the string replaced. Function F - To find text within lines. Parm1 is the text to find. Parm2 is equivalent to Parm3 on function 'R' above. In other words it is the space/case switch. The F function is the only function that does no changes to the file. It simply searches the file for occurrences of Parm1 and returns the number of matches in the DOS errorlevel so you can test it in a batch file. This is useful if you want to see if you have already made changes to a particular users files or if he qualifies for the change before you make the attempt. Miscellaneous Information GENEDIT makes a backup copy of the original file if any changes are made. The name of the backup file is the same as the original with a three digit numeric ending. I.E. autoexec.bat will be backed up as autoexec.001. If that file exist, it increments until it finds an open number. The backup file is placed in the same directory as the original. GENEDIT also writes errors to a file called GENEDIT.LOG in the same directory as the file being manipulated. The reason for this is that I wanted the program to not alert the users as to what was happening in the background unless I tell them. If you have ever manned a help desk you understand this philosophy completely. If no errors are encountered, no log records are written. Licensing GENEDIT is shareware. You are hereby granted license to use/evaluate the program for 30 days. If at the end of 30 days you decide you do not have a need for the program you are required to remove it from your system(s). If you decide it worthy of use in your environment, a fee of $20.00 US is required to be sent to the author at the address below. You will receive an official proof of license as well as be put on the mailing list for any future upgrades at a discount. Please include your complete address when you register. Author's Address Leo J. Beadle 167 Lakeview Loop Kinder, LA 70648 (318) 738-5052 CompuServe: 103167,1605 Internet: Warranty The enclosed software and accompanying written materials are provided "AS IS." The author hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to this software. Although the author has taken measures to ensure the accuracy of the information available, no warranty of accuracy, express or implied, is extended to you.