PHONE LIST - READ ME -------------------- IMPORTANT - Please read this file BEFORE attempting to install the program. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- To install and run this program your PC should (at least) have the following: DOS 5 or higher Windows 3.1 or higher 386 or 486 processor (486 preferred) At least 3 megabytes of free hard disk space At least 4MB of RAM License for Evaluation and Distribution --------------------------------------- This program is NOT public domain. It is copyrighted by G. Daniell (hereinafter referred to as "the author"). This program and associated files (hereinafter referred to as "the software") are protected by Australian copyright law and also by international treaty protection. You are free to distribute the entire unmodified contents of the distribution package to anyone you wish. No charges made be made for such copies apart from a minimal fee (not to exceed $10 Australian) to cover costs of distribution media, packaging and postage. Any such distribution must also make clear that the user is not purchasing a registered copy, and that the following conditions apply. For a period of no more than 30 days, you may duplicate and test the enclosed version of the software on no more than 5 machines. Thereafter, if you wish to continue using the software you must register with the author by signing and returning the licence agreement with the required licence fee, or else erase all installed copies. You may not copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as stated above. Any such unauthorised use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to the author. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ----------------------- THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE PROVIDED FOR EVALUATION ONLY, ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. G. DANIELL (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS "THE AUTHOR") DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER THE AUTHOR NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. (SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE TRADE PRACTICES ACT 1974) ORDERING INFORMATION -------------------- For details of licence fees and ordering information, please see the file ORDERFRM.TXT. BACKUP FIRST! ------------- Before installing this or ANY Windows program it is good practice to ensure you have a complete backup of your WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories. The supplied setup program takes all possible precautions to ensure that no damage will be done to existing systems by examining the version number and the date/time stamp on new files (ie: DLL's etc) being installed against those in your WINDOWS and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories, to ensure that only the most up-to-date files are used. However, not all DLL suppliers place a version number in their files, and file date/time stamps can be altered. For these reasons, it is (albeit remotely) possible that, after installing this program, one or more of your existing software applications may not run correctly. So PLEASE, ensure you have that backup before proceeding with the INSTALL procedure!!! Backups can be carried out using special backup software, such as that supplied with DOS version 6.x. Information on how to carry out backups is supplied with the backup programs. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- Start Windows, and go to the Program Manager. First close down any applications which are already running (which may have been already loaded in your Startup group for example). This is necessary to ensure that no DLL conflicts occur during the install procedure. Place the first distribution disk (marked "Disk 1") in your floppy drive. Then click on the FILE menu option. This will drop down a list of options. Click on the Run option. This will bring up the Command Line dialogue box. In the Command Line dialogue box, enter the command: "a:setup" (without the quote marks). Then click on OK or press Enter. (Note: If the distribution disk is in a drive other than "a:", substitute the appropriate drive in the command above.) Alternatively, go to the Windows File Manager and double click on drive A:. When the contents of the disk are displayed, scroll down to the file SETUP.EXE, and double-click on it. There will be a delay of 20-30 seconds while the installation process begins, during which time the message "Initialising Setup" will be displayed. Then the Phone List setup window will appear. From this point, simply follow the instructions given on the screen. GETTING STARTED --------------- After the installation process is complete, you will be returned to the Windows Program Manager, and there will be a new group entitled "Phone List" on your screen. This will contain icons for the Phonelist program, and for the Help file. There should also be icons marked Read Me and Order Form. You can view the Readme.Txt file (this file!) and the Orderfrm.txt file by double clicking on these icons. Use the "File" and then "Print" menu options to print these, if desired. Try double-clicking on the Help file icon and have a browse though it to gain some familiarity with the program. (Note at this stage that some sections of the help file are still under development. These are in areas of the program which are fairly straight forward, and their omission should cause you no problems. These areas will be completed in the near future). Then double click on the "Phonelist" icon. The program will load and display a Registration reminder form. Click on the button "proceed to Phonelist" when it appears to continue loading the program. (Note - the shareware version of the program as supplied is not "crippled" in any way. The only difference between the registered and unregistered version is that the registered version does not display the registration reminder form, and the registered Setup program will allow you to install the program from a network drive instead of drive a: or b:. This last feature makes it a breeze to install the registered version on multiple PC's across your organisation.) The first time you run the program, you will see the "File Options" form. Click on the top button - "Choose an Existing file" (or press ALT-E). This will bring up a dialogue box showing the sample data files in the directory which was created during the install procedure. These should include "TOYS_INC.DBF" and WIDGETS.DBF". Click on "TOYS_INC.DBF", and then on OK. This is a sample database showing the use of Pictures in data records. The program will then load the sample database, using the View form. By clicking on the various panel buttons (Position, Fax, Notes, Photo etc) you can view all the information for the current record. Clicking on the vertical scroll bar (or pressing the Page Down / Page Up keys) will allow you scroll through the records in the database. When you click on the "Photo" panel, the photo will not at first be displayed. Try clicking on the "Options" menu item, and then on "Show Pictures". Each record should now display a photo of the "employee". (note that the Show Pictures option is turned off initially as some screens may not have the capability to display them. However once you set this option it will stay on until you set it off again.) You can then load the other sample database, by clicking on the "File" menu option and then on "Open". When the dialogue box is displayed, choose the file "WIDGETS.DBF" and click on OK. This database is a sample of how you might set up a phone list for a typical small company. CREATING A NEW DATABASE ----------------------- To begin your own database, click on "File" and then "File Utilities". When the Utility Functions form is displayed, click on "Create a new (empty) database". This will bring up another dialogue box requesting the name / path of the file you wish to create. Enter an appropriate name (eg: personal.dbf for personal contacts, employ.dbf for employees etc). The name can be up to 8 characters long, and must be terminated by ".dbf". Then click on OK. At the prompt "This file does not exist - Create the file?" click on Yes. The program will ask "Use the new (empty) database now? - Click on YES. You will see a message reminding you that this is an empty database, and that you must add some records before you can do anything else with it. Click OK. You will then be asked if you wish to add some records. Click on Yes and the Maintain form will be loaded. To add new records, click on the Add New button (or press ALT-A). This inserts a blank record, and positions the cursor in the first field (Lastname) for you to begin entering your data. Fill in the name and Position details (you can move from one field to the next by pressing the TAB key, or by clicking in the fields required). Move to the Fax panel by clicking on the "Fax" button at the lower part of the form, and fill in any additional phone numbers required. Similarly fill in any required data on the other panels, and when finished, click on Update (or press ALT-U). This will save your data. Carry out the same procedure for any further records you wish to add. When finished adding records, you can click on the blank button (at the bottom right corner of the "A-Z" alpha buttons panel to show your records in alpha sequence. You can then go directly to any record by clicking on the alpha buttons, or using the other search functions. (For information see the Help file.) You can also load the View form by clicking the "View" menu item. The View form allows searching (but not add , delete / modify functions), and takes up less Windows resources. You should normally use this form for enquiries / searching the database. When finished, click on "File", "Exit", or double click on the Control menu box at the top right of the View or Maintain forms. Your options and settings, as well as you data, will be saved for next time. For more assistance at any time you may press F1 (or click on the "Help", "Contents" or "Help", "Search ..." menu options. Feedback from users regarding the program, improvements, desirable features, problems encountered etc. are welcomed by the author. See the file ORDERFRM.TXT for address information. Note: This software is constantly being improved and expanded to eliminate any problems and encompass new functions. Updated copies of the software may be supplied by the author at his discretion, on request. A small charge may be made for such services to cover the costs of disk media, postage and handling. (end of README.TXT)