To install the recipe keeper simply unzip all the files into a temp directory or the directory that you want for the program. Run "setup.exe" this will install and setup the program for you. I did not add an icon to program manager or to the start menu since I didn't know which one to do. When I release the program for Windows 95 there will be the option of adding the icon, and all the other 95 stuff. This program is freeware. However, I do ask one thing in return: That you will give me some info on the program: comments, concerns, suggestions, questions, etc. The only way to get a hold of me is my e-mail address: If you give me a question I'll do my best to reply. I would really appreciate any and all information on the program to help me when I revise it for windows 95. You can give the program to anyone you want just please don't modify the code and keep all three files together. There is also an ini file in the windows directory. If you want to save any modifications to the recipe keeper when you pass it on, you must include it also. Thanks, Shane Tangen