//=========================================================================== // INTRODUCING TOPS: // // -------------------------------------------- // THE NEW PAPER SAVER FOR WINDOWS 3.1 OR NEWER // -------------------------------------------- // // FEATURES: // // - MULTIPLE PAGES PER SHEET 1,2,4,5,8,10,12...up to 256 PER SHEET! // - BOTH SIDES PRINTING ON SIMPLEXING AND DUPLEXING PRINTERS. // - 12 DIFFERENT BORDER STYLES. // - USER SELECTABLE TRUETYPE FONTS. // - BOOKLETS. // - USER DEFINED HEADER AND FOOTER LINES. // - "LONG LINES" TRUNCATION. // - PORTRAIT OR LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION. // - SELECTABLE SHEET MARGINS -- .250 thru 2.00 INCHES. // - PRINT PREVIEW WITH FOUR ZOOM LEVELS. // - FAST (APPROXIMATE) PREVIEW AND EXACT PREVIEW. // - USES THE NEW DIALOG SUBCLASSER -- DIALOGS LOOK BETTER. // - UTILIZES THE NEW "FAST PRINTING" TO HPII & III COMPATIBLE LASERS. // - PRINTS TO ANY PRINT DEVICE WHICH YOU HAVE A WINDOWS DRIVER FOR. // //=========================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------- ETS Inc. 1115 East Brigadoon Court Salt Lake City, UT 84117-4969 TOLL FREE ORDERS: (800) 387-7003 8am-6pm MST OUTSIDE USA: (801) 265-2497 8am-6pm MST CUSTOMER SUPPORT: (801) 265-2490 8am-3pm MST FAX: (801) 265-8921 BBS: (801) 265-0919 PCBoard Host LINE 1 BBS: (801) 265-2496 PCBoard Host LINE 2 ----------------------------------------------------------- TOPS ................... 39.95 SHIPPING (USA).......... FREE (FOREIGN: ADD $5.00) -------------------------------------------------------- WE ACCEPT: VISA, MASTER CARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS & CHECKS. * SAME DAY SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS PLACED BEFORE 3pm MST. -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- PAGE 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION ABOUT TOPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What TOPS is all About: The name "TOPS" stands for "Text Output Paper Saver". TOPS is a new Windows print utility that saves paper when printing text files. TOPS can fit from one to 256 pages to one sheet of paper. Who is this "ETS" company, anyway: ETS has been manufacturing and selling software for IBM compat- able computers since 1990. TOPS is the first Windows program the company has released. ETS has been very successful with many of it's popular programs for DOS; such as: Laser Printer Envelope - DOS/VGA Envelope Maker for Lasers Ascii Print Pro - the prior DOS/VGA version of TOPS Casey - DOS/VGA Calenders the Easy Way Skip - DOS/VGA Label Maker Pirada I,II,III - DOS/EGA The Ancient Games of Pirada All of these programs are available on CompuServe, AOL and hun- dreds of hobby bulletin boards everywhere. Pirada has had over 20,000 downloads from America Online alone, making it one of the most downloaded files of all time on AOL! What is Needed to use TOPS: TOPS must have Windows 3.1 or newer in order to run. TOPS will run under Windows95. We expect to have a Windows95 version at some point in the future. NOTE: TOPS will not run under Windows 3.0. What TYPES of FILES TOPS can Print: TOPS can print any ASCII TEXT file. For the past few years, many people simply call this file format "TEXT" or "MS-DOS TEXT". Some people use TOPS for Printing: - Long Reports. - Spreadsheets. - Draft Copies of Books. - Loan Amortization Schedules. - Program Source Code. - Names and Addresses. - Engineering Data. - Raw Textual Data. - Extra-Wide text. TOPS supports LANDSCAPE or "Wide" style. NOTE: Word Processing Programs are not simply "TEXT EDITORS", and you will need to convert any files created by these programs into TEXT or MS-DOS TEXT format before using TOPS to print these files. --------------------------------------------------- PAGE 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPS CUSTOMER SUPPORT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPS Telephone Customer Support: ETS, the makers of TOPS, run a live Customer Support service. A real person answers the Support Line from 8am until 3pm from Monday thru Friday. The Support desk is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the hours are Mountain Standard Time (MST). Our support personnel are happy to offer you any help that you may need to make the most out of using TOPS. How to Use TOPS Built-In HELP: It is common for Windows programs to have a "HELP" item in the Main Menu, and TOPS is no exception. If you need to access TOPS Help, simply click on the "Help" menu item. All of the Dialogs in TOPS have "Help" buttons which are called "Context Sensitive Help". By pressing any of these special Help buttons, TOPS will open up it's built-in Help and go directly to the specific topic in the Help that relates to the options you are choosing. Many software manufacturers have recently switched to Online Help for their programs. This helps keep costs down for you, the user. Manuals are expensive to design and produce, and when new versions of the software are released, the stock of older manuals become "landfill". By using Online Help, your program is always updated with the latest Help information -- assuring you of TOP performance that keeps up with the newest technology. Common Customer Support Questions: Q: TOPS gives me an error message: "This file contains binary characters". What does this mean? A: TOPS can only handle ASCII TEXT files, and ASCII TEXT files should not contain binary characters. TOPS will simply ignore any binary characters encountered in a file. One reason for this is that you are trying to load a complex document, such as a Word Processing document. You will have to first convert these documents to DOS TEXT format before using TOPS to shrink Word Processing files. Q: Can I import the filename or date into the header line? A: Yes. Select "Options", "Header and Footer". Within the Header line options you will see checkboxes for PATH, FILE SIZE, TIME and DATE. PATH will import the complete pathname to the file into the header. Checking SIZE, TIME or DATE without checking PATH will cause TOPS to place only the simple DOS filename into the header line. --------------------------------------------------- PAGE 3 Q: How can I stop the TOPS EXAMPLE file appearing each time I start up the program? A: Go to "Options", "Misc Setups" and un-check the box in the lower left marked "Show Example on Startup". Q: How can I stop the TOPS Logo box from appearing each time I start the program? A: Go to "Options", "Misc Setups" and un-check the box in the lower left marked "Show Logo on Startup". Q: Some lines in my file are much wider than others, and I want to clip them shorter in order to get a larger font. How do I clip long lines? (such as "C" and Pascal source code) A: Go to "Options", "Misc Setups". In the "Line Styles" box, check the "Clip Long Lines at" button, then enter a number into the text entry box to it's right. You will typically enter a number between 72 and 80. Q: My font is way too large. How do I make it smaller? A: Go to "Options", "Font" and choose a smaller point size. Sometimes when you are printing 1 page per sheet, the font will be too large. This method will reduce the font size. Q: My font is way too small. How do I make it larger? A: Go to the "Options", "Misc Setups" dialog and change the "Clip Long Lines" setting to a smaller number. Decreasing the number of lines per page will also cause TOPS to create a larger font. Q: How can I "trick" my Word Processing software into creating an ASCII TEXT file? A: From Print Manager in Windows, add a new printer "GENERIC/ TEXT ONLY". Press the "CONNECT" button and select "FILE:" instead of "LPT1:". This will create an print driver which simulates the "Old Days" back when printers couldn't handle downloaded fonts and graphics. Next, go back to your Word Processing application, and select the GENERIC/TEXT PRINTER. When you print your document, Win- dows will prompt you for a filename to store the text output. The text file you create using this "print to file" should then be compatible with TOPS. --------------------------------------------------- PAGE 4 TOPS comes in two flavors: 1 - DEMO verson: Contains all features, but has one additional feature that the REGISTERED version does not have -- the TOPS logo prints on the lower right corner of your sheet of paper, which is an advertisment to purchase TOPS. 2 - REGISTERED version: Contains all features, except the TOPS logo is not printed on each sheet of paper. The only way to obtain a REGISTERED version of TOPS is to purchase it from ETS Inc. ONLINE UPGRADES: ETS Inc. maintains a 24/hr 2-line BBS in Salt Lake City for customers to obtain free product upgrades and demos. The latest versions of all ETS products are always available on this BBS. All registered customers receive a diskette with a special serial number written on it. This serial number allows any user to download the latest version of TOPS free of charge from the ETS BBS. HOW TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE TOPS REGISTERED UPGRADE: 1 - Call our BBS in Salt Lake City. (801) 265-0919 PCBoard Host LINE 1 14,400 baud N,8,1 (801) 265-2496 PCBoard Host LINE 2 14,400 baud N,8,1 2 - Log in to the BBS, You will be asked for your name, city and phone number. When you are asked for a password, make up a secret word that only you will remember, then remember the word you made up. IMPORTANT: Do NOT enter your diskette serial number for the password. These are two totally different things! 3 - When you get to the "Main Menu" in the BBS: type-->"DOOR 1" (don't type the Quote marks) press Enter. 4 - Select "TOPS" from the list of programs. 5 - Now enter the serial number from your TOPS diskette. 6 - The BBS will give you a special password to download the latest registered version of TOPS. 7 - Press Enter to return to the Main Menu. 8 - Type-->"D TOPS.ZIP" (don't type the Quote marks) 9 - Enter the download password that you received from step 6. 10 - Press your Enter key a couple of times to begin downloading the new file to your computer. 11 - When the download is finished, you will have a file on your hard drive named "TOPS.ZIP" which contains the new version. simply un-zip this file into your TOPS directory. --------------------------------------------------- PAGE 5