Install File for Chess-Log Version 2.0 There is a simple install.bat file that will set things up so you can run Chesslog. It creates a directory on the C: drive called \CHESSLOG. It then copies the files Chesslog.exe and Chesshlp.hlp to that directory. It also adds the file BWCC.DLL to the \Windows\System directory. If you keep your system dll's in a different place, copy BWCC.DLL there. It is needed to run the program. Then just run the program from Program Manager. You can add the program to a group, such as Accessories, by using File Manager. Open File Manager, and locate the file Chesslog.exe. Click and hold on the filename, dragging the icon to the desired group. Drop it on the group and then the Chesslog program can be accessed by double clicking on its chessboard icon.