Chesslog Copyright 1995, 1996 Robert J. Agar All Rights Reserved Chesslog is for the Windows operating system. Thanks for using ChesLog, a correspondence chess record keeper. This program will make keeping track of your correspondence chess games easy. As you enter moves, the on-screen board is updated with the current position, so there is no problem of forgetting to move a piece. You can save games to files, allowing for an unlimited number of games to be kept track of. No running out of pages as in traditional forms of record keeping. Chesslog is a shareware program, the only limit being one of 30 moves per side. More information about the program and pricing can be found in the help files. Follow the directions in the Install.txt file to install the program on your system. Technical support is available in the following ways: E-mail 74160, snail-mail Robert Agar P.O. Box 617 Reeders, Pa. 18352-0617 Any questions and concerns will be addressed. Comments at the above addresses are also welcome and encouraged. Thanks for your support and good chess to all!