-------------------------------- License for Don't Worry Be Happy -------------------------------- You are free to distribute this shareware program anywhere you want. This includes the Internet, Online Services, BBSs and other File Transfer areas. You are also free to copy and distribute this program, on diskette or CD-ROM. You are free to give this program out to anyone you want. PLEASE NOTE: YOU ARE FREE TO DO ANY OF THE ABOVE THINGS PROVIDED THAT YOU DO NOT CHARGE A FEE. YOU MAY NOT MODIFY ANY OF THE FILES INCLUDED IN THIS PROGRAM AND THEN CHARGE A FEE. YOU MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS PROGRAM AND ASK FOR A FEE. YOU MAY NOT CREDIT YOURSELF FOR CREATING THIS PROGRAM. IF YOU WOULD LIKE PERMISSION TO DISTRIBUTE THIS PROGRAM AND YOU THINK YOU SHOULD RECEIVE A FEE, SEND A WRITTEN REQUEST TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: FishBreath Software 3780 N. Sunyfield Drive Copley, OH 44321-1969 ©1995 David Landers FishBreath Software