ALTAIR README! You will notice a difference in the size of the archive for ALTAIR v1.01 as opposed to v1.00 This is because ALTAIR now includes the shared DLLs used by all Microsoft Foundation Class applications. These files are MFC40.DLL and MSVCRT40.DLL If these files already exist on your system, most likely in the SYSTEM32 directory, you may delete them from your ALTAIR directory. Before you do, be sure that the file dates and times match. If not, you should use the most current versions. Also, ALTAIR setup is now Windows 95 install/uninstall compliant. After setup, ALTAIR v1.01 will be displayed in the Add/Remove Programs dialog box from your Control Panel. You can remove ALTAIR from this dialog box. Note : Under Windows NT, the uninstall utility is unable to delete MFC40.DLL, MSVCRT40.DLL, or UNINSTAL.EXE if they exist in the ALTAIR directory. This is a result of differing API implementations between Windows NT and Windows 95. To complete removal of ALTAIR, simply delete those remaining files. Kevin