********************* CHANGE EXTENSION 2.0b ********************* (c) 1995 Tom Hollander tholland@pcug.org.au http://www.pcug.org.au/~tholland ==================================================== Windows 95 has made a lot of things easier, but should you ever have a file with the wrong extension, it can be extremely tedious trying to get Windows 95 to let you change its file type. Changext makes this simple. To install Change Extension, simply copy "Change Extension.EXE" into a directory of your choice. Then create a shortcut to Change Extension.EXE in your \Windows\SendTo folder. You also need the Visual Basic 4.0 runtime libraries in your system folder. If you don't have them, get the file http://www.inpros.com/Hollander/vb4run.zip and unzip it into your System folder. (get it - you'll need it for other apps too, and not just mine!) To change the extension of a file, simply right-click on the file, and choose Change Extension) from the SendTo submenu. Note the extension does NOT need to be three characters, you can give a file a .HTML or .JPEG or whatever and new Win95 apps should recognise them fine. Version 2.0a fixes a problem with 2.0 in renaming files which have no extension to start with. Version 2.0b fixes a problem in renaming hidden and system files, and directories. If you like CHANGEXT, send me some e-mail at tholland@pcug.org.au or h3023355@toscanini.anu.edu.au. There are lots more free and shareware apps on my home page at http://www.pcug.org.au/~tholland Also mail me if you have need any custom-developed Windows 3.x / 95 software! ================================= 23 December 1995