DoublePage macro for Microsoft Word for Windows Copyright (C) 1996 Mr. Jean P. Donato. All rights reserved. (PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THIS FILE!) ***************************************************************************** * WARNING * * THE INFORMATION AND CODE PROVIDED IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY * * OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO * * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * * PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL JEAN P. DONATO BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES * * WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS * * OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF JEAN P. DONATO HAS BEEN * * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * ***************************************************************************** ********************************************************************** * FREEWARE * * I do not charge any fee for the use of the DoublePage macro. * * This archive may be included on Bulletin Board Systems, Internet * * archive sites and on CD-ROM collections distributed by such * * sites, provided any charge is solely to recover the cost of * * distribution. Any such distribution must contain the complete * * unmodified archive, including this file. * ********************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: ============ DoublePage is a Microsoft Word for Windows macro that prints a document in a 2-column landscape format on the default printer. (On some printer drivers that capability is built-in but for most of them it is not.) It will typically print about one page per column, hence it is a great way to cut down on paper costs and waste. On every page of the printout, it will also add its own footer if possible, giving the name of the document, the date and time it was printed, and the page number. DoublePage will not modify the actual document. Rather, it will create a temporary document in memory which will be deleted after printing. However, as with any such utility, you should always make regular backups of your files just to be sure. REQUIREMENTS: ============= DoublePage requires you to have Microsoft Word for Windows properly installed. It has been developed and tested on the English US version of Word 7.0 for Windows 95; the French Canadian version of Word 7.0 for Windows 95 is also supported. (I have not tested it on other platforms, but it might also work with Word 6.0 and some other language versions of Word.) LIMITATIONS AND COMMENTS: ======================== DoublePage works best with plain text documents. It will work with other document types however (provided Word can load them, of course) with the following limitations. Some special objects or options often cannot be readily reformatted in a 2-column layout, and they include: text boxes, pictures, frame data, styles other than the default Normal, etc. Your printout, in these cases, could be unsatisfactory. In many cases DoublePage will warn you of this condition before printing and will try to work around these obstacles. DoublePage searches for and reformats tables as text which can fit within a column. It also gets rid of frames (but not the data inside them) which prevent 2-column formatting. It may or may not change your document's style(s) on the printout, depending on the limitations it encounters while processing it. Finally, it will normally remove all headers and footers and replace them with its own footer on every page of the printout as mentioned earlier. If it would like to remove other items to help ensure proper printing, it will prompt you first. Remember, none of these changes affect your original document - just the printout. ARCHIVE CONTENTS: ================= The DoublePage archive DPAGE121.ZIP contains the following files: DBLEPAGE.DOT : The Word template containing the DoublePage macro. README.TXT : This file. FILE_ID.DIZ : A short description. INSTALLATION: ============= DoublePage is distributed inside a template named DBLEPAGE.DOT. If you want to use it only from this template, first open DBLEPAGE.DOT and then go to step B below. Otherwise, you will likely want to use DoublePage from within the template you commonly use (for example, the default NORMAL.DOT template). A) To do so, follow these simple instructions (for Word 7.0, perhaps similar for Word 6.0): 1. Start Word. 2. From its menu bar, choose File/Open and open the DBLEPAGE.DOT you got from this archive. 3. From its menu bar, choose Tools/Macro. 4. Click the Organizer button. 5. Make sure the left pane of the Organizer window shows DBLEPAGE.DOT macros (you should only see DoublePage in the list) and the right pane of the Organizer window shows the template you normally use such as NORMAL.DOT. 6. Click on the DoublePage macro name. 7. Click on the copy button. 8. Click on the Close button. 9. From the Word menu bar, choose File/Close. You can use a similar technique to propagate the macro to other templates. B) To use the macro from the menu bar, follow these steps: 1. Make sure the document you want printed is open and the currently active one. 2. Choose Tools/Macro. 3. Click on DoublePage. 4. Click on Run. (The DoublePage macro can easily be removed by clicking the Delete button instead.) C) You can create a custom toolbar button to activate the macho whenever you want, with a single mouse click. To do so, you must first have installed the macro as described above. Then, follow these steps: 1. From the Word menu bar, choose Tools/Customize. 2. Click on the Toolbar tab. 3. Click on Macros from the Categories list. 4. Left click on DoublePage from the Macros list (keep the mouse button pressed) and drag the DoublePage name to your toolbar (release the mouse button). 5. A window named Custom Button automatically pops up. Select a button image and press assign. The Custom Button window disappears and your new button now has an image on it. 6. Back in the Customize window, select the name of the template you want to use in the "Save in" box (for example, 7. Press the Close button. USAGE ===== Run the macro as described in the previous section. Then, simply follow the easy prompts. You will basically have to click a few times and if all goes well you will get a nice printout. The prompts that DoublePage can show you depend on the type and contents of the document it is processing, and are self-explanatory. DoublePage requires that the document you wish to print be loaded first. This document can not be protected. (If you have an option Tools/Unprotect Document in your Word menu bar, then it is protected.) If possible, you must remove that protection for DoublePage to work with your document, even though DoublePage will not actually modify it. TIP: If you loaded a DOS (or "Text") document in Word (such as this file), its columns and characters may align and display better if you change its font to MS LineDraw or Courier New; make sure it is properly displayed in Word before using DoublePage! If you're using these fonts you will likely want to click "Yes" when DoublePage asks you if the lines should be "compressed" to prevent wrapping. WHERE TO GET IT =============== The latest released version is available from the World Wide Web at: Or you can download it from the anonymous FTP site: SUPPORT ======= The source code of DoublePage, comprised of over 400 WordBasic lines, is never provided so as to retain control over the posted versions. I will be pleased to read any bug reports, suggestions, or comments you may have regarding DoublePage. However, as this is freeware and my free time is in short supply, please do not expect a reply. In your message, you should indicate the version and language of Word that you are using, the version of DoublePage (it is indicated on the DoublePage window title bar), and the exact error message if applicable. If you like DoublePage, let other people know about it! DOUBLEPAGE REVISION HISTORY =========================== 96/01/08 - V1.00: Initial release. 96/01/24 - V1.10: Fixed a font resize bug. Added line compression support. 96/03/31 - V1.20: Added support to recognize and optionally remove these items: manual page breaks, section breaks, and graphics. Minor dialog text changes. 96/04/08 - V1.21: Fixed footer problems when used with French Canadian Word. AUTHOR ====== Mr. Jean P. Donato Internet Address: