6 ;This specifies that there are 6 poems... LUNEVENT picks PARA1-PARA6 %PARA1 `0------------------------------------------`2 Sitting in the window sill, my face pressed against the cold, hard glass. A drop of rain strikes the window Mirroring a tear. The two slowly decend. The tear falls upon his face, a picture, The raindrop, it's shadow. `% -Kryson `0------------------------------------------`2 %ESC %PARA2 `0---------------------------------------------------`2 Natura Naturata Life began with one hint of existance, A thought, an idea, a dream, A empty space, An endless void brightened with a spark of light, An inconsistancy, a movement. This was God. `% -Kryson `0---------------------------------------------------`2 %ESC %PARA3 `0-----------------------------------`2 The glass broke As I threw it across The dull wooden floor. Like silver flakes of snow, Chips of glass fell to the ground, Sparkling in the sunray From my bedroom window. `% -Kryson `0-----------------------------------`2 %ESC %PARA4 `0----------------------------------------------`2 I felt the cool rain strike my warm face, Stinging. Mixing with warm tears. A distance of a thousand years, The time of a million miles. A burting heart within a barren soul. Contradiction. Two hearts, two minds, two lives joined as one, Suspended. A perfect world in a shattered glass bottle, To be looked on and repaired... Tommorow. The Earth cries for me. `% -Kryson `0----------------------------------------------`2 %ESC %PARA5 `0------------------------------------------------------------------------`2 A blinding light shines from behind his deeming eyes. I bear my claws, attempting to sway him from attack. Unsuccessful. Wielding his scythe above his head, the lifeless, turbulent man steps towards me and stops. "I dare you!" I shout into the barren night. With one swift motion his scythe cuts through the thick blackness and rips into my hollow chest. Dropping the scythe, he forces his hands through my cavity to seize my dying heart. Suspending it in front of me, he laughs demonically and says, "I wanted to touch that which only I could have broken." Returning my shriveled heart to my chest, he heals my wounds with loving words, soft kisses, and a gentle embrace. Someday he will be the death of me. `% -Kryson `0------------------------------------------------------------------------`2 %ESC %PARA6 `0----------------------------------------------`2 Trapped within the world I have created, I hunger for only you. The pain of desire, overwhelming. Blood filled tears stain my aged face. I would sprout wings and fly, but I cannot for I am a cat prowling the night for my next victim. When I try to love, I only devour. `% -Kryson `0----------------------------------------------`2 %ESC