15 `0 Strange, glowing thunder seems to be rolling in over the hills. `0 Hail is shattering against your window. A cold draft blows in. `0 Warmth shines in through your window. This could be a great day. `0 Is it your imagination, or are little blue dudes dancing outside? `0 Is it a trick of the light, or is that Elvis' reflection? `0 It looks like a scorcher outside... People are melting everywhere! `0 Some guy is smooshing his face against your window. `0 Someone is peeking in your room... but when you look... nothing. `0 The sun is shining, but you can hear rain falling. `0 It's raining outside... raining hard! `0 It seems to be a bright, sunshiny day! `0 Out the window, you see clouds brewing. `0 Flakes of snow are falling outside. It looks cold. `0 It's a blizzard out there... so why are people swimming in snow? `0 For a change, it seems to be a perfectly ordinary day.