35 `0 A computer programming seminar is being conducted in the hallway. `0 Some woman says 'I can't seem to bind my grid to the data control. `0 A little flasher asks 'Have you seen my Dynamic Link Libraries?' `0 A little flasher asks 'Wanna see my floppy disk?' `0 A little flasher says 'let me show you my recursive subroutines.' `0 A little flasher reveals his Hidden Object Properties. `0 'Wanna see my Custom Controls?' asks a little flasher. `0 The hallway is currently flooded with purple jell-o. `0 thousands of microscopic organisms are pummeling your body. `0 Several unidentifiable patients are pacing the hallway. `0 Victor the Smiling Fool is professing that the world is ending. `0 A short, fat man is sitting in the floor biting his toenails. `0 Harriet of Mars is passing out literature about space exploration. `0 A skinny little wimp is sumo-wrestling a baby elephant. `0 Harvey the Happy Hobo is crying as he reads the script from Dumb & Dumber. `0 A long-haired freak shouts 'I am the prophet' as he brushes past you. `0 Infected Charlie grins as he shows you his open wounds. `0 An airline stewardess is telling every passer-by to use the vomit bags. `0 A mysterious vortex has appeared in the air. `0 The ghost of Elvis floats by and says 'I'm dead! Get over it!' `0 The three stooges (or their evil twins) are playing blackjack. `0 'I am the great Cornholio!' snickers a little blond-haired teenager. `0 A dark-haired teen slaps your knee and says 'watch it, you buttmunch. `0 A dark-haired teen is picking his nose in a dark corner of the hall. `0 'Uh, like, uhhh... I don't belong here and stuff,' says a dark-haired teen. `0 'Ha hu hu hee hee hu hu hu,' says a moronic blond-haired youth. `0 'How much for zee women?' asks a little guy in a sombrero. `0 You can feel breath on your neck, but you turn swiftly to see nobody. `0 A vaguely familiar old man is shaking is head, saying 'I am not a crook.' `0 A tent has been erected in the hall, and a pack of Boy Scouts are camping. `0 The Nine Inch Nails fan club is holding a meeting in the hallway. `0 The Faith No More fan club is holding a meeting in the hallway. `0 The Stone Temple Pilots fan club is holding a meeting in the hallway. `0 A man resembling Shakespeare is dancing around in a leotard. `0 Spartacus is stumbling around in a daze (as usual)... shock therapy again.