Top Post History File ===================== August 1, 1995 - 1.0 in Beta Testing -------------- 1) Totally revamped code for my own sanity and speed. 2) Now uses a config file! - Configurable # of Top Posters - Configurable output file - Configurable path to renegade.dat. - Option to include SysOp or not in list. 3) Colors added to output file using ansi codes! 4) Nicer output. A '.' for each user read, shows what's going on inside program (opening users.dat etc.) November 15, 1995 - Version 2.0 Released (first public release) ----------------- 5) Fixed error if used had ZERO (0) logons. When computing PCR the program would crash with a run-time error 200 - division by zero. This is now fixed. Anyone with zero logons has a PCR of zero. 6) Fixed file sharing/opening problems between Top Post and Renegade in multiple node/window operations. Previously, if Top Post was running and reading the USERS.DAT file, and RG tried to access it, RG would crash with an error #5 - file access denied because Top Post was "hogging" it. :) This is now fixed. :) 7) Loads of new configurable options definable in the TOPPOST.CFG file! a. Clear or do not clear the screen before display. b. Define list title color. c. Define column headers color. d. Define top line border color. e. Define side line border color. f. Define bottom line border color. g. Define rank listing color. h. Define user name listing color. i. Define # of posts listing color. j. Define PCR listing color. k. Define PCR percent sign color. 8) Fixed a programming error where it wouldn't pad a zero correctly for Renegade's color code if you entered a code # less then 10 as the color #! This was a stupid mistake that I was able to catch before I released it! :) Gotta watch those things! 9) Top Post is now Desqview aware! March 8, 1996 - Version 2.1a Released ------------- *** Recompiled using updated v04-05 data file structures *** April 8, 1996 - Version 2.1b Released (Support for RG v04-05 EXP) -------------