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If the software or written materials are defective, you, and not the author or the author's distributors or employees, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. Neither the author nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production, or delivery of this software shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability of to use such software. Distribution of the software is allowed as long as it is in complete form as when you recieved it. Distribution of the files without the documentation is not allowed. Files Included In This Zip ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ flg-wwiv.exe The Main File List Generator Program flg-wwiv.txt YOU ARE READING THIS NOW! general.cfg A sample config file used on the Enterprise header1.txt A sample header file used on the Enterprise file_id.diz The BBS description file File List Generator/WWIV p 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I started this program about 4 months ago. (Off and on work mostly) and after looking arrond at the programs that were avaliable, I thought that WWIV sysops need a cheap and simple way of doing things on their system so I came up with the idea of the WWIVpro utilities. This is the first with a User Editor comming by the end of July. Most of these programs will be DonateWare. DonateWare is where you donate money to the author but you are in no way reqired to. (Kinda like freeware but futher development of the program would be encouraged by a donation) Setup ÄÄÄÄÄ Setup is simple, unzip all of the files in this archive to a directory some where. You could also unzip this file to your BBS or DATA directories. Config ÄÄÄÄÄÄ The config is allmost as easy. I have designed the program to take either command line switches, a INI style file, or a mix of both. Command Line Parameters ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This is a list of all of the switches avaliable on the command line. You will see a direct comparison between these and the config file statements. I recomend using a config file for everything except a quick spur of the moment file listing. /HELP or /? Displays A Quick Help Screen /DSL=nnn DSL To Print Files For (ex 95) /DAR=x DAR To Print Files For (ex A) /CONF=x Confrence To Print Files For (ex W) /AGE=nn Minimum Age of DIR Access (ex 18) /LISTTYPE=n What List Type To Print (1 to 4) /OUT=filename File Name to Output File List To (Include Path) /CFG=filename CFG File To Use (Include Path) /HEADER=filename Header File To Use (See Doc For Info) /DATADIR=path Location of Data Dir (Path Only ex D:\BBS\DATA) File List Generator/WWIV p 3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ INI Style Config Files ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The INI config files are very straight forward. It works allmost like WWIV.INI except there are no [LALA] section names. (I am planning support in the next version for you to put your configs into sections of WWIV.INI like [General] and then you would put a /CFG=General,WWIV.INI or something along those lines on your command line to read it from WWIV.INI) NOTE: You can only have one config per file! DSL=nnn DSL To Print Files For (ex 95) DAR=x DAR To Print Files For (ex A) CONF=x Confrence To Print Files For (ex W) AGE=nn Minimum Age of DIR Access (ex 18) LISTTYPE=n What List Type To Print (1 to 4) OUT=filename File Name to Output File List To (Include Path) HEADER=filename Header File To Use (See Doc For Info) DATADIR=path Location of Data Dir (Path Only ex D:\BBS\DATA) The Header Files ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The header file is a idea I stole form the PCBoard file lister called RWDir (A very old PCB Program!) What you do is put a logo or some thing like that in it. When you use the HEADER option FLG will put the contents of the specified file on the top of the file list. There are 2 replacement codes that can be put in the header files. @@@DATE@@@ The Date When FLG Started @@TIME@@ The Time When FLG Started The reason for the size of the codes is that the represent the actuall size of the output. This is good if you want to put a border arround your header and want the sides to match up. Dates come out like 07-09-1995 and times like 09:45 am. Look at the sample file HEADER1.TXT for a example of the codes. File List Generator/WWIV p 4 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The LISTTYPE Option ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The LISTTYPE option allows you to create 4 different types of listings. Here are examples of each: Type 1: This type contains the File Name, Size, 1 Line Description & Extended Description WWIV424 .ZIP: 626k :WWIV v4.24 -- Precompiled Shareware Version This archive includes a complete working copy of v4.24 which includes support for RIP, QWK, and more. Documentation is available in separate formats: 424RDR.ZIP, 424TXT.ZIP, and 424DAT.ZIP. Two free utilities are also available: JE103.ZIP and WFIDO201.ZIP. These are archived as WWA1-424.ZIP. If this file is distributed, please make available all accompanying files including documentation. Type 2: This contains all of the items in Type 1 but adds the Uploader & Total Downloads WWIV424 .ZIP: 626k :WWIV v4.24 -- Precompiled Shareware Version This archive includes a complete working copy of v4.24 which includes support for RIP, QWK, and more. Documentation is available in separate formats: 424RDR.ZIP, 424TXT.ZIP, and 424DAT.ZIP. Two free utilities are also available: JE103.ZIP and WFIDO201.ZIP. These are archived as WWA1-424.ZIP. If this file is distributed, please make available all accompanying files including documentation. Upld By: Jean-Luc Picard #1 TDL: 3 Type 3: This is the short & quick type. It contains File Name, Size, & 1 Line Description only. WWIV424 .ZIP: 626k :WWIV v4.24 -- Precompiled Shareware Version Type 4: This type is mainly for sysops who want a listing to figure out the popularity of a file. You know, delete the file that has never been downloaded. It contains the File Name, Size, Upload Date, and Total Downloads. WWIV424 .ZIP: 626k : 06/12/95 : 3