{********************} {* ShowLast History *} {********************} ! = Fixed + = Added - = Removed 1.00g3 Originally Lstrip. Name changed and rewritten. 1.00 ! Fixed Ansi file creation error. Colors were all messed up. 1.01 + Added Avatar file creation. Seems if a user has Avatar Graphic enabled and the *.AVT file is not present on a type 5 menu option nothing would be displayed to the user. 1.02 Release for public distribution. ! Fixed Avatar code character giving the wrong color in the *.AVT files. + Added config file for reading location to create files. All basic files are now created. Ansi, Avatar, and Ascii. 1.03 + Added ^A so the user can press Enter to continue on in case the list scrolls by too quickly. *RIP* files are not created in this release. {* END SHOWLAST.HISTORY.TXT *}