Listserv/32 (Project Huckleberry) Beta 4 (04/18/96) - by Pete Nelson Terminal One BBS (510) 689-9528 Author: NOTE: This product is in Beta Testing! I make no claims to the accuracy, stability and consistency of this program so far! Use at your own risk! (It should work pretty good though. ) * Basic Setup * Included is LISTSERV.DOC, the current documentation for the WC4 version of Listserv. Most things should be exactly the same between the two versions. The only major difference is the Edit Message or Subject function while running Moderate in Listutil. In WC4, when you did a message edit, it would save the changes back to the original message. In WC5, the original message gets deleted and the changes get added as a new message. This is entirely a function of WC5 and not Listutil. As of right now, I have not put together a 4.x to 5.x conversion utility. To add your mailing lists into the new version, you need to do that by hand. However, you can export your lists from the 4.x version and import them into the 5.x version. When setting Listserv/Listutil up as a menu option, you must pass the path and file name for LISTSERV.CFG to the program otherwise it won't read it correctly. Also, be sure the path to your Listserv data files is a full drive:\path\ statement. Wildcat 5 seems fussy about the the way it handles directories. Please please please report any bugs you find ASAP so I can work on getting them squished promptly. Also, sign up for the following mailing lists: List Name Description ------------ -------------------------------------------------- LISTSERV-L Discussion about Listserv in general LIST32-L Discussion about Listserv/32 for Wildcat v5 LIST32-DIST For distribution of new versions of Listserv/32 E-mail and put... subscribe listname the message body. (You knew that! ) Oh yeah! I had the darndest time trying to figure out how to get my wcCODE apps to show up as a command in wcMENU. Put the compiled WCX file in the main WC5 directory and they should show up on your pull-down menu! * Notes about this beta version * Listserv is now available for Wildcat 5! For the most part, Listserv should operate as it always has. Please let me know of any operational bugs you find in it. The biggest problems I had in doing the conversion of Listserv was the way it walks through the message database to check each message, so that's what you should watch the closest. - The List/Search Subscriber and View Mailing Lists functions do not pause the screen. I believe that covers all not working by *design* for right now. * Revision History * Note: Some changes here will be to Listserv in general, and some will only be for the the WC5 version. Change will be noted as (Listserv) or (L32). Beta 4 - (04/18/96) All changes were to Listserv in general. See the revision history for v2.91 in LISTSERV.DOC for more info. Beta 3 - (04/11/96) Added the Edit Message and Edit Subject command to the Moderate function in Listutil. (L32) - Fixed the Listserv tagline to reflect Wildcat v5. (L32) - Fixed the View/Kill Log or Dump file functions. (L32) - Fixed the Delete Old Messages function in Listutil. (L32) - Project Huckleberry? Tombstone is one of my favorite movies. :) Beta 2 - (04/05/96) Added the missing default answers for all input prompts. (L32 Specific) - Fixed a problem where some subscribers would get the mailing list name used as their real name when they did not use a real name when subscribing. (Listserv) Beta 1 - (03/29/96) Initial Release