Expense Log Version 3.0 -- README ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU for purchasing Expense Log 3.0! HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPENSE LOG 3.0: ----------------------------------------- o 2MB or more RAM o 80386SX or higher processor o 624K hard disk space for software o Mouse driver installed o VGA color graphics card/monitor or better TO INSTALL EXPENSE LOG: ---------------------- Run INSTALL.EXE from either a floppy diskette or your hard disk TO RUN EXPENSE LOG: ------------------ The first time you run EL30.EXE, the program will create three files to hold your expense information in. They are: EXPLOG.DAT EXPLOG.K01 EXPLOG.K02 EXPLOG.DAT is the data file which holds your expense records in the order which they are entered (sequential). EXPLOG.K01 is a "key" file which sorts EXPLOG.DAT's records in the following order: Date, Time, Category, Description EXPLOG.K02 is another "key" file which sorts EXPLOG.DAT's records in the following order: Category, Description, Date, Time IMPORTANT: --------- MAKE SURE YOU OBSERVE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. EXPLOG.DAT, EXPLOG.K01, AND EXPLOG.K02 MUST RESIDE IN THE SAME DIRECTORY AS EL30.EXE IN ORDER TO BE ACCESSIBLE. DO NOT PUT THE DATA FILES IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTORY OR SUBDIRECTORY OR THE PROGRAM WILL GENERATE THREE NEW EMPTY FILES. 2. DO NOT DELETE EITHER EXPLOG.K01 OR EXPLOG.K02. BOTH FILES ARE NECESSARY FOR THE REPORTING OPTIONS BUILT INTO EXPENSE LOG. 3. DO NOT RENAME EXPLOG.DAT, EXPLOG.K01, OR EXPLOG.K02. IF THEY ARE RENAMED, THE PROGRAM WILL GENERATE THREE NEW EMPTY FILES. 4. MAKE PERIODIC BACKUPS OF YOUR INFORMATION. THE ONLY WAY TO RESTORE INFORMATION IS FROM A BACKUP COPY. 5. USE CAUTION when restoring an "old" set of EXPLOG files for referencing records from a different file set. A suggested procedure for doing so is this: a. Make a backup of your CURRENT EXPLOG files (all 3 of them). b. Restore (or copy) the "old" EXPLOG files to the directory where the Expense Log program file (EL30.EXE) is. c. Run Expense Log as normal. d. When you are ready to return to your "current" records, restore (or copy) the files from step 1 to the directory where the Expense Log program file (EL30.EXE) is. e. Run Expense Log as normal. Registration Information: ------------------------ For REGISTERING Expense Log, you will receive: o FREE UNLIMITED TECHNICAL SUPPORT via E-mail (location listed below) o Early notification of updates and new products o Special discount prices on other products (registered members only) o My sincere thanks for having supported the Shareware concept! Thanks! ------ Thank you for using Expense Log! I would be eternally grateful if you could please take a few short minutes to print out the RESPOND form included with this package and fill in the information along with any additional questions of your own. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel M. Rose Idaho Central Interchange BBS (208) 677-2028 P.O. Box 328 Line 2 (208) 677-2029 Heyburn, ID 83336-0328 E-mail user #101 USA Internet: daniel@ici.usa.net