Usage: 4CD [/MD | /RD | [/CD] dir [...]] Create, remove, and change directories /MD Create the directories whose names follow, until the next switch /RD Remove the directories whose names follow, until the next switch /CD Change the current directory to the one whose name follows. /CD is optional if it is the first switch on the line. If no arguments are supplied to 4CD, the current working directory will be displayed. dir is the name of a directory or directory alias (see below). Usage: 4CD - Change back to the directory you were in when you last issued a CD, CDD, or 4CD command Usage: 4CD * Select a directory to change to from a scrolling list. Usage: 4CD /FILE filename Search for the file specified and change to the directory it is found in. You are asked whether you want to change to the indicated directory. Usage: 4CD /!FILE filename As 4CD /FILE, except that the change is automatic to the directory in which the file is first found. Usage: 4CD /DIRALIAS alias dir [...] Attach an alias to a directory alias is the alias (nickname) that you want to attach to the directory. dir is the directory to attach the alias to. It should be a full specification (i.e., include the drive and all higher level directories). Usage: 4CD /DELALIAS alias [...] Delete a directory alias alias is the directory alias to remove from the alias list. Usage: 4CD /SCAN Rescan disks for directories. Only drives C: through Z: will be scanned. Removable drives, including CD-ROMs, which are currently mounted will be scanned. Usage: 4CD /ADD d: [...] Add one or more drives to the database. You may add drives A: and B:, or add additional removable media (ZIP, JAZZ, EZ-DRIVE, CD-ROM, etc.) using this option. Usage: 4CD /PWD Display the current directory. Any number of commands may be combined on a single line, in any order. Deleting a directory alias does not remove the directory, and removing the directory does not remove any aliases referring to that directory. 4CD was written by Jeff Zeitlin to see if it could be done. I can be contacted in the ILink Shareware and 4DOS conferences, or via Internet at or in the comp.os.msdos.4dos newsgroup. 4CD is copyright 1993-1996 Jeff Zeitlin. All rights reserved. 4CD may be shared with users of 4DOS and compatible command processors, as long as this ABOUT information and copyright notice remain included and unaltered. If you think it's worth paying for, contact me at one of the above electronic locations.