MajicDir v1.37 by Jeff Trout (C) 1996 CrAsHwArE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Documentation (Some things may be confusing, I don't doubt it. I am not much of a writer. Damnit Jim, I'm a coder not a English professor!) Overview ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ MajicDir is a cool directory listing program. It is intended to replace COMMAND.COM's boring DIR program. It's most powerful and main features is that it is colorized. The program will colorize a filename by its extension. Neato eh? It can see up to 140 extensions too! It also some some OK features, and is also lacking some features. (Such as recursion) But they will soon be implemented (Hopefully :). MajicDir is also FAST. It is faster than DIR itself! And it is totally configurable, due to a nice configuration program. So without further adoo, here's the dox. Operation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The operation of MajicDir is incredible simple. It's args are pretty much like DIR's. You can specify wildcards, and directorys to list. It's hard to explain so here are some examples: mdir *.exe <-- List all exe files in current directory mdir <-- List all files in current directory mdir \dos <-- List all files in the directory \dos mdir \windows\*.hlp <-- list all hlp files in directory \windows When MajicDir's pause prompt comes up you can hit 2 keys that actually do stuff. Q will quit MajicDir, and N will make it go nonstop. (no pauses) Now that wasn't so bad was it? Now on to the harder stuff, the command line options. The command line options let you modify MajicDir the way MajicDir works. There are some nice hidden options too :) (Most are 1/2 implemented or outdated functions, or functions used while developing). So here are all the options you should know. /edit -Run the MajicDir extensions editor. This will allow you to configure MajicDir. See section on Mdiredit for more info. /np -Do not pause the output, just one continuous stream. /c -Use config file for the colors. ie: /cxmas.mdc Make sure there is NO space! /w -Write a config to the exe without Mdiredit. ie: /wxmas.mdc Again, make sure there is NO spaces! /? -Bring up short help screen /b -This reset's your cfg. You will loose ALL entries and it cannot be undone if you haven't saved your config There's all the options I know of in MajicDir. Now onto the fun part of writing the documentation for Mdiredit. Oh ya, one thing you may want to do that I did is rename mdir to d. Then you just have to type d instead of dir or mdir! MajicDir Extensions Editor v1.5 (Mdiredit) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mdiredit (Name originated while ago when it was an external program) is the part of the program that you will use to configure MajicDir. It is a nice editor (1.x-1.5 were horrible :) to configure in. There are LOADS of hidden features in there. Most of them are results of either boredom or to make configuring my config easier. :) Mdiredit *should* be self-explanatory, so I won't waste any more time typing up dox for an easy to use program. I am NOT saying that the hidden options are easy to use though (I think they are if I'm thinking right...) But if you are really stumped, email or snail me! Bug reports ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I am sure there are some bugs in here, I just cannot find them. So if you find a bug, be specific about it and email/snail me about it. I would appreciate it if you would not just tell me "It crashed". What good does that do me? (although back in 1.2.6 it liked to crash after running fasttracker for some reason :) If you say something like "It crashed when I try to load an external cfg and enter a wrong filename" That would be good. Then I can fix it! You will also have your name put in the docs under Bugfinders! Just send me some email/snail mail. (See registration for addresses) Registration ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Seeing as I am only in high school, I need money desperately! So if you like MajicDir (And I know you will :) send me some US money! The money will go to development of other programs, and it will encourage me to release bugfixes, and not to activate the super-virus in MajicDir (j/k). So PPPPPLLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! SEND IN REGISTRATION MONEY!!!!!!!!!! Send a check or money order (I guess) for US currency to Jeff Trout 114 Pond st Billerica, MA 01821-1227 USA The registration fee of MajicDir is variable, you can send anywhere from $5-$5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to me. But no more that that :) If you are seriously short on money and would like to register you can send me an email telling me where your from, where you got it etc. I like hearing people say they like my product. Send mail to OK? About the author ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jeff is your average (?) 15 year old American. I actually have a life outside computers. I enjoy fishing,mountain biking, girls, and watching The Dukes of Hazzard (TNN 7PM EST), and coding. Thats about all really. You can usually find me when I am on IRC on channels #coders and #c. Technical Info ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The program is written in C, and compiled with Borland C++ 4.0. It is a total of about 750 lines. (Most of it is Mdiredit). It uses mostly direct screen writes so it is not redirectable. (If I did make it redirectable it would slow down considerably) That's about it really... So remember to register! Beta-testers/Bugfinders ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The following people have helped me either beta-test MajicDir or have reported bugs I have fixed in MajicDir. Mike Newcomb Jesse Cuff