Title : Speed Racer Pro Date Finished : 4-11-96 Author : Joe Brown aka "Karash" E-mail Address : joe@uoknor.edu Description : This is the second and last installment of the Speed Racer level design. After I released the first Speed Racer...I got numerous hints on how to improve the level (thanks guys!! :-) I reduced the amount of weapondry to make lag less of a factor...now it is ideally suited for 4 players. I eliminated the Smart Mines..because it reduced the speed of play. (It is "Speed" Racer ;-). The first level is still a great level IMHO, but this one is suited to you "vets" out there! (ya know who you are! hehe). Like always, I would like to hear from you...and your level making tips! Tell me what ya think! Also Fixed: the damn Flag Bases...i got alot of flak for that one! ;-) heh! ========================================================================== Level # : 1 Single Player : Yes, there is 6 "SideArms" in the level..... only Insane level if you want any challenge tho! Co-Op : No Anarchy : Yes!! Robo-Anarchy : Yes!! Flag : Of course! and what a level to play flag in! * Construction * Build Time : approx. 2 hours to think of a new version and do it Editor(s) used : Devil 2.1c Known Bugs : None as I know of...let me know if there are some. I know about the reactor and exit...i left these out on purpose...just so some newbie cant go blow the reactor just cuz he's gettin torn into ;-) Planned expansion : none...look for my upcoming level "Pyramid of the Pheonix!" yep you guessed it...pure Pheonix Power! hehe Weapondry : 4 Gauss Cannons...30,000 rounds of ammo 8 Super Lasers....4 Quads 2 Plasma Cannons 20 Mercury Missles 16 Homing Missles 8 Flash Missles 8 Guided Missles 5 Smart Missles 1 E-S Converter 5 Afterburners (Go Speed Racer...GO!) Additional Notes : I'm real picky about descent levels...i like weapon balence..and enough weapons to go around for everyone...I hate it when one person gets all the weapons and the other is out to dry...so if you find that the case with this level...PLEAZE let me know...Thanks!!! * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.