@SCENARIO @width=540 @title=%STRING0 ^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2 In 1949, after the Peoples Republic of China was formed by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, Chiang Kai-Shek and his nationalists fled mainland China to live on the island of Taiwan, located southeast of China. Since then, the People's Republic of China has considered the the citizens and their democratic government that of a "renegade province." In the past, both governments agreed that their final goal was re-unification. However, in recent years, Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui has been rumored to favor independence from the Chinese in light of Taiwan's booming economy and increasing position on the world scene. Infuriating China by visiting his alma mater in the United States, Lee is up for re-election in 1996. The Communist Chinese government, led by Deng Xiaoping, began military manuevers in the Straits of Taiwan in order to sway the election results in the favor of a more conservative candidate. In response to the alarm of their allies the Japanese, Taiwanese, and Filipinos, the United States has put the Seventh Fleet of the Navy on alert and has ordered the battle group of the USS Independence to Taiwan. This American "gunboat diplomacy" increased Beijing's anger, and word of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan began to circulate. Your job -- to assure the safety of Japan, the Phillipines, and Taiwan, and to reassert the power of the United States in Asia. Be Warned -- Both China and the United States posess NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Good Luck! @end -- this line must be here!