L E A T H E R G O D D E S S E S O F P H O B O S ! = 2 = Infocom's Gas Pump Girls by Steve Meretzky Complete Walkthru by Joe Antol, May 1996 The game is actually separated into two different games, and it varies depending on which character you choose, and I will deal with them one by one. Also, a LOT of the things you can do in the game aren't necessary to win the game, so I have omitted them. Have fun! Note: You need a manual with this game as there is a random number copy protection routine, and the numbers you need are on each page of the game manual. ZEKE ~~~~ You start off in front of your gas station, go into the garage next to the gas station, get the transmitter from within the car, and get the rubber hose from under the hood. Next, go over to Lydia's house and talk to his brother and find out what kind of food a Germanium-based lifeform needs, and how to heal one. Go into Professor Sandler's room and turn on the machine (rain-making machine.) Next, go to the bar and get the bottle of bourbon. Then go over to the Doctor's office, open the cabinet, and get the sulfer from there. Then go over to the Diner and get the bowl on the table. Next, go to the river (beyond the crashed spaceship) and enter the boat. The boat will take you to the military base. Enter the base through the broken fence, then enter the barracks. Open the locker there, get the uniform and put it on. Leave the barracks and enter the General's office. Open the left drawer and get the key. Leave the office and enter the control room. Look at each of the round screens in the control room, one of them tells you a 3-digit code, write that down. And one of them should tell you add x to any 4-digit codes, write that down as well. Now leave the military base and go over to the General's house, unlock his desk with the key and get the purple envelope. Read the letter, it's from one of the prostitutes. Go over to the whorehouse and ring up the prostitute, she will see that you're holding her letter to the General and will give you a folder. Look at the folder, and look up the corresponding number in the manual. Go back to the military base, you will have to put on the uniform in order to enter it. Go to the lab and open the safe with the 4-digit code from the manual. (Add any values if necessary.)Pick up the radioactive isotopes. Then leave the military base. If you've done everything correctly to this point Lydia and her brother will appear and you will automatically go over to her house to receive the broadcast from Phobos. Now go to Dealer Dan (used cars), Barth should be there, give him the radioactive isotopes. Next, go into your inventory screen, put the rubber hose (from the garage) into the bowl, then put the bourbon (from the bar) into the bowl, and lastly, put the sulfer into the bowl, the mixture should melt. Give this mixture to Barth and he will be healed. Now you'll be surrounded by an angry mob. Use the transmitter and enter the 3-digit code from the control room, the mob will disperse, thinking there's a meltdown. Go back to Barth's spaceship and enter it. Talk to Barth and he will give you the eight items necessary to fix the ship. Just fit them into the corresponding holes. You will take off and head for Planet X. There isn't much to do on Planet X, just talk to the High Councel and she will give you the invisibility belt and the record. Blast off to Phobos, go into the Leather Goddesses' room with the invisibility belt turned on. If you didn't do this the first time don't worry, just go back again. When you're in there use the green record and it will record all their conversations. This wilil take quite a while, wait until the Leather Goddesses mentions about invading Earth. When that happens leave them. Go down into the dungeons and free the slaves from Planet X. Now go out and go over to the invasion fleet. Enter the flagship and go into the broom closet. Wait for the Leather Goddesses to board and take you back to Earth. Back on Earth, you're once again surrounded by an angry mob, go out and go over to KACR (the radio station), remove the playing record (if there's any) and put the green record (with the Leather Goddesses' evil plans) on and play it. The mob will then turn against the invasion force and you're the hero. That's it, the end. LYDIA ~~~~~ Playing Lydia is exactly the same as playing Zeke's game, except that you screw males instead of females. (Obviously.) And all important figures are now male instead of female. But the main objective is still the same. The game also starts at a different place. BARTH ~~~~~ Playing Barth is quite different, the main objective is the get the eight items that will fix the ship. You start off next to the damaged spaceship. First, go left at the street to go the block tunnel and pick up the traffic cone. Then go into the town. Go into the sheriff's office and enter the cell, get the bar of soap, then use the blaster to blow a hole in the wall. Next, find the stop sign near the church, use your blaster and shoot the pole, then pick up the sign. Go over to the Diner and pick the grapes on the table. Next, go to Lydia's house and get the iron. Her little brother will want something to trade, give him the blaster and get the iron. Go into Professor Sandler's room and turn on the rain-making machine. Leave the house and go over to the souvenir store next to the Indian preserves, open the trash can and get the bottle. And push the button on the vending machine to get the dime. Next, go to the Bar and enter the pool room. Pick up the purple ball and put it into one of the six holes, all the balls will then appear, get the 8-ball. (The black one.) Next, go to the grocery store and give the dime to the owner, and pick up the pumpkin. Now go over to Dealer Dan's place, Zeke and Lydia should be there. Talk to both of them and get the hide patch and food (radioactive isotopes), after that the angry mob will appear. Wait and eventually the mob will disperse due to a "meltdown". Go back to your spaceship and fit the eight things you gathered from the town into the respective holes in the spaceship. You'll blast off to Planet X. Go to the High Council and listen to them, and pick up the invisible belt and the green record. Leave Planet X and head for Phobos. After this the game is pretty much the same as the one for Zeke, see above for more information.