I recently downloaded a file that contained "ALL" of the Mechwarrior 2 codes. The punk who wrote the thing decided it would be fun to charge people $2.00 to get the code he so cleverly installed into the execute file containing the MW2 cheat codes. I didn't want to let the little prick get the best of me so I hacked the file to see if the brat knew anything that I didn't already. I learned two things. First: There is no such thing as a "complete" list of MW2 codes, unless you've got inside info from Activision, even then I wouldn't bet that you know everything. Second: Don't ever pay some cyber-twit for anything. In this day of electronic communication, any half-brained dimwit who thinks he can make a profit off of what should be common knowledge ought to be given a very swift boot to the head. Check around before you pay some pea-brain for information. Well I suppose you aren't interested in my lecture, so here are the codes that I've collected for MW2, and Ghost Bear's Legacy. This list is not complete, so if you find something I'm missing drop me a line... E-MAIL: akreel@omnifest.uwm.edu (This address is temporary don't even bother writing after Nov. '96.) P.S. If you E-mail me to correct my spelling, grammar, etc. I will be sure to remember you in my next life. MECHWARRIOR2 codes--hold Shift-Ctrl-Alt while you type the following BLORB-invulnerability CIA-unlimited ammo MIGHTYMOUSE-infinite jumpjet juice ICANTHACKIT-completes the mission ENOLAGAY-drops the bomb. everything dies, including you (so use BLORB first) you must select a target to drop the bomb on or this code fails TINKERBELL-free-roaming external camera COLDMISER-heat build-up is ignored (go ahead use five ER PPC's!) MEEPMEEP/UNMEEPMEEP-toggle time compression TLOFRONT-rear view becomes front view (not as if this actually helps) ZMAK-time expansion (I think this time stuff causes day/night to move faster) XRAY-allows you to see through objects, but puts you in vision enhanced mode DORCS-shows the programmers who worked on the game SH_T/F_CK-if you really want to see what these do, fill in the blanks they put these codes in just for twisted people like you MICHELIN-shows bounding spheres (ever want to know just where that enemy's cockpit is?) IDKFA-Displays a message and does something really mean FLYGIRL-adds jump jets (Hmmm... FLYGIRL + MIGHTYMOUSE = Superman!) HANGAROUND-mission won't end until you type it again, even if you die There's one more code I've heard, it displays the message: F I E F I don't remember the code and I don't know what FIEF is (it's not a code). Here are two other fun things to do in the original MW2. In the Jade Falcon Holoprojector click on the number 4 (Known Mercenary Activity) or the number 8 (History of Man) in the Wolf Holoprojector. Each contains a separate listing of MW2 programmers/artists who left messages and photos for unsuspecting victims. Maybe they got mad because they didn't get on the DORCS page... Remember, click the number, not the words. In the Trials of Grievance there are three 'mechs that you're not supposed to be able to use (unless of, of course, you know the codes). Enter the following as your name and you will be able to choose 'mechs you aren't normally allowed to pilot. Be sure to match case or the codes fail. Calvin-Adds an elemental to the list Hobbes-Adds the elemental and a tarantula (quad-legged...DROOL!) Enzo-Adds elemental, tarantula, and the battlemaster Be careful with the battlemaster, it tends to foul things up. There is supposed to be a patch to fix the problem, but since when do those things actually work? GBL codes: Again, hold Shift-Ctrl-Alt as you type these codes in battle. CLARK-like XRAY in MW2 KENT-invulnerability Sorry, I don't know anything else about GBL. They must have made it more difficult to figure these things out. Don't forget to E-mail me if you find something I haven't listed. But, if you're that snot-nosed punk who thinks his cheat codes are better than anyone else's I'm going to track you down and take any money you think you've "earned." Little punk....